Chapter 17 Moon's Chip

Start from the beginning

"No no it's fine let me tell the front desk to announce that the daycare is closing and to go pick up there kids and that sorry for the inconvenience so that way you can start ok." he said picking up the phone. "Alright that should do it now go on and enjoy your time fixing Moon l/n." he said smiling

"Oh um sir one last think did you talk to the head of corporate for the things I'm supposed to work on or still nothing yet." I said

"Well I'm trying but soon maybe in a couple months maybe even next year but soon I hope but like I said it will bring money to both the plex and company so they shouldn't turn it down but who knows I'll keep you updated ok l/n." he said

"Alright then yea no problem I'll get going now bye." I said waving at him and left to the daycare

You went to the daycare there wasnt kids inside anymore and it was only Sun cleaning up the messes the kids left behind.

"Hey Sunny boy how are you?" I said

"Ah oh deary me sorry you startled me there sunshine but how are you and what brings you here." he said happily

"Oh sorry I should've knocked or some but I'm actually here to work on Moons personality chip." I said helping him clean up

"Oh yes he was mentioning it a lot lately it kinda gets annoying." Sun laughed

"Well the lets finish this up and we can head over to parts and service ok " I said smiling

"Haha Moon desperately wants to get out right now so you can start on him." Sun laughed

"Well I don't know if he can hear me but Moony dont worry ok I'm just going to help Sunny here on cleaning up and we can get going ok." I giggled

"He said ok thank you ha finally peace and quiet." Sun said

After a while you and Sun finally finished cleaning all the big messes and you helped clean inside the play structure too which you hated cause you couldn't really fit but it was ok.

*Whew "That was a lot who knew kids can be this dirty" I laughed a bit

"Yea they are very messy but should we get going or how we do this." Sun said

"Well I can turn the lights off and from there I can take Moon down the utility tunnels and make it to parts and service like that." I said

"Oh yea we can do that just go shut the lights off then." Sun said and you nodded and went to turn them off

"Why hello there starlight how are you?" Moon asked

"Moony hey I've been good and you?" I asked

"Well what Sun said I was non stop talking about the whole chip thing so shall we get going." he said gesturing to where the tunnels were

"Yea let's go so we can get this done." I said

After like 15 to 20 minutes of walking through the utility tunnels you guys finally made it to the parts and service.

"Alright take a seat inside the cylinder Moony." I said

"Oh um I can't cause then Sun will come out since there is a bright light there." he said

"Well I mean the chip is still going to be there you know." I said

"Yea but I wanna see how the new things work out for me and I wanna test out the songs I put there heh." he said

"Well then that's fine with me Moon sit over there I'll be reading this so I make sure I dont mess anything up ok." I said grabbing the thick ass manual and Moon nodded

 (Glamrock Freddy x reader) Am I Dreaming or is this Real?Where stories live. Discover now