A Few Minutes

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"It only takes a few minutes, Izzy, 10 tops. Are you telling me 3 eventful, albeit long years have gone by and never once you thought to even phone me?"

Sarah, her long, golden hair flowing on down past her waist, sat on her bed filing her already flawless nails, snapped arrogantly at Isabelle. She never seemed to consider anyone else, and was not about to start now.
" I told you, Sarah, my Dad smashed my phone up when Ross decided to explain how he wanted to see my-"

"Okay! I'm so sorry babe, sometimes I...I...I just forget. And if ever you need me, Ross can drive you over and you stay here, right?"
Sarah hugged her, hard, breathing in the musky scent from her even longer, thick black hair that was straight as a ruler. It really complimented her ghostly pale face, giving her a beautiful gothic look. As she looked up through her thick, deep black mascara and heavy eyeliner, Sarah could see the pain in her eyes.
"You know, you can stay over for longer if you'd like. I don't mind."

"Its alright. My dad will want me back home and...and...yeah. I can't stay, he won't let me" She whispered.
"No, stay!" And so she did, blissfully avoiding her fathers iron temper. But every rose has it's thorn. And this was no exception.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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