- I'm not your bro, just so you know. Mista whispered.

- what are you then?

- Don't know yet. But I'll work to be something else.

Taken aback, you let him slip away and out of the room.

When he got out, Mista let out the biggest sigh, surprised at his own shyness, yet bold comebacks sometimes.

Quite flustered, you had to lay down for a minute. Was he playing with you? Did you want to play along...?

The situation was complex already : but this was not the hardest part you'd live.

It happened very fast.

As the sun fully set, the window you loved so much cracked and broke after a thin layer of ice had ran all over it.

You remembered that someone had an ice power but who? Then it came back : a squadra member.

- Why hello there!!

Illuso and some new faces burst in, not making any noise.

You breathed in, ready to scream.

- Move, and I'll kill you instantly, said Ghiaccio, holding a knife-shaped ice  block to your throat, hurting your skin.

- Now take this, Illuso said, giving you paper and a pen. Write how they're losers unable to keep you here. Come on.

They forced you to write a note belittling every member of the troup, in a very "gotcha losers" vibe.

Maybe that was the worst part. They wanted you to hurt Bucciarati's men to make them angry at you, and ridicule them in front of the boss.

You thought of Fugo, Narancia, Bruno and even Abbachio. Mista was the first face to appear in your thoughts, but you wanted to keep a steady pokerface.

"Dear dumbasses,

I got you all and got you all real good. Thanks for the most delightful hospitality, yadda yadda yadda.

I'm needed elsewhere, sorry for you, that won't be very pleasing to your boss!

Shoutout to your dimwit team Bruno, won't miss them one bit.

Bye, bros! "

And you had to sign. That was childish and provocative.

Yet, your reference to the word "bro" could maybe make Mista react and see that this was not a word you liked to use...

You had to move from jail to another jail. Blindfolded, you felt the cold air of the night on your skin as you were probably taken in a dangerous manner to smuggle you out.

Unable to speak a word, yet furious inside. Did they know about your full power? Hopefully no...

The last thing you heard ressembled glass.

Ghiaccio used his power to rebuild a "fake window" to conceal their intrusion. It would make Bucciarati's team slower.

- We've deduced some interesting theories about your stand abilities.
Would you mind coming with us to show some more?

As if you had a choice. Your scoffing irritated them, and right after their knock on your head, you fell, unconscious, and were taken away.

Almost every dinner since you discovered your power, Narancia used to come to sit with his plate, his back on your door as you made every food better for him, without even knowing.

But this time, he was sitting silently, chewing, unsure. Why was the dish so bland? The other day, it tasted like heaven itself.

- Hey, are you tired? He said, slightly knocking.

No answer. As it was getting late, he thought you were asleep.

- I should go ask Bruno for the key just in case. If she can use Sowing the Seeds unconsciously, it's weird for it to be inactive when she sleeps.

When he came back and opened the empty room, it was all clear.

Then the whole house got busier than ever.

- She escaped!!! Everybody come down we must recover the on-the-run individual! Bruno shouted in the hallway.

"Suspect" Mista thought. "escaped"?!

He got up so fast it made his head spin a little. What?

When he found the others, Narancia passed him the note, furious.

When he read, Mista felt his stomach turn. Was it even real? Was he that stupid?

And then he felt his affection to you and imagined your face again. Yes, that was the oldest trick in the book.

Use a pretty damsel in distress to gauge everyone's professionalism, and he fell right into the trap.

Bad emotions mixed all together in his mind : shame, anger, and most of all, undying strain in his heart. He felt so stupid, and wanted to catch you immediately.

To do what? That, he was unsure, as deep inside his mind, he felt hurt as a lover first.

- Let's go, he said, with a weird calm in his mind.

The others all had seen his attachment to you, so this reaction intrigued them.

And most of all, they remembered that his gun stand was unable to hit you in the slightest, so...

But they didn't have time to think this through. It was time to go, look for you, and God knows what next.


Sowing the Seeds (JJBA Mista x Fem Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora