Chapter 5

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- Knock knock princess, time to go for a ride!

Abbachio's voice and choice of words startled you. What the hell?

It was almost midnight and you were already under a thick layer of sheets, even with the slight heat.

In an instant, the whole team was around.

Narancia came to you and softly tapped your shoulder, as he himself always had trouble getting out of bed.

Fugo and Mista both stayed a bit further, in the semi-darkness. They were just doing their jobs : watching over.

You got up, kinda weak, and too tired to fully grasp it. You got very mundane masculine clothing and were set to go with everyone.

Where? You had no idea. What for? None of your business.

Even at night, the city was bright in its own way. Restaurants, tourist sites, all remained luminous.

For discretion purposes, they could not blindfold you, with people around. So you got to enjoy the ride fully.

Breathing fresh air, seeing new faces, walking along the noisy pavement.

The path then felt familiar. As time flied away, you recognized your old way home.

- So it's true, you're letting me home! You said, turning to Mista.

As he looked shy by the direct look you gave him, Fugo took the lead.

- Indeed, we are to search your place for any information, and let you gather possessions if you so choose.

You felt relieved. That was a step in the right direction. They trusted you more and you were closer to their trust, freedom and understanding of your power.

As you thought this, the men all exchanged looks that spoke almost as well as words.

They were still gauging your every move.

Mista, just as much as the others. He got to softly take your arm to guide you, in a much nicer way than Abbachio had previously, kinda enjoying the walk with you.

But they had not seen the other man, behind you. Swift, and agile, he moved. Illuso, out again, struggling to keep his rage concealed.

So Bucciarati's men were now going on walks with his almost-killer. A conspiracy! An outrage!

Illuso was willing to gather as much evidence as he needed to get the boss to take them all down. And you with it.

As you all arrived, he made sure to memorize the address, then faded into the night, patiently weaving his web.

Having your stuff looked at by men you didn't really know was definitely uncomfortable.

Sure, they handled it correctly but all you had was opened, touched, moved. You tried to remain cooperative as it was better to be in good terms, if they now knew your address.

Abbachio remained analytical, his former cop instinct taking over, as he fumbled around some mess you had left unattended.

Narancia preferred to drool over some games and movies you had, but promised not to steal.

Mista and Fugo, as they previously did, were looking at the hallway leading to your doors and your windows. You never know.

During this time, you were taking things you liked in your small blue luggage, trying to determine how much days you had to plan for. Or would you have to make your laundry there? The situation seemed funny in a way.

Sowing the Seeds (JJBA Mista x Fem Reader) Where stories live. Discover now