Epsiode - 32

Beginne am Anfang

Namjoon: because, my sister So-Yeon is there. I-I wanna visit her.

He said and looked down, bitting his lips nervous.

Suzy looked shock hearing the new information from the 7 year old boy. Seeing no reaction from his mother, Namjoon shook her slightly to get her back .

Suzy: baby, you have a sister?

She asked confused and shocked. Namjoon slightly nodded his head looking at her with hopeful eyes.

Suzy looked at the 7 year old and smiled.

Suzy: we will visit tomorrow. Okay?

Hearing this Namjoon's eyes lit up brightly and he hugged his mom thanking her multiple times. Suzy also was so happy seeing her son happy.

The next day the Jeons went to visit the orphanage from where Namjoon was adopted and asked the receptionist of the orphanage about Kim So-Yeon. Namjoon jumped on his feet slightly excited to meet his sister again.

But he became sad when the lady said the girl named So-Yeon is already adopted by a couple and she left the orphanage a year ago. Once excited Namjoon became all gloomy suddenly but he made his mind sure to find his sister soon now or in future.

Just like that many years passed and Namjoon kept on waiting for his biological sister to come to him or atleast contact him. But nothing like that happened.

Soon he took after Jeon Sehun as a CEO and got busy with the work.

One day, during his office hours, he got a call from unknown number. He confusedly took it but the person's voice affected him so emotionally.

Yes, it's his sister. She cried to him for a meet up and Namjoon agreed.

Namjoon: So-Yeon, what are you crying? And where have you been all these years? Are you okay? Something happened?

He shoot questions after questions, worriedly seeing his sister in this state. The girl kept on crying then at the last, she confessed.

So-Yeon: I-I love someone.

Namjoon was shocked to hear that. But he said nothing and So-Yeon took it as a cue to continue.

So-Yeon: but I'm scared of confessing. A girl confessed to him and he rejected her badly. I'm afraid he might do the same to me too.

She said sobbing badly. Namjoon took his sister in his embrace after a long~ years of gap between them. He tried comforting her and that somewhat calmed her.

Namjoon: then try to figure out if he loves you or not.

He said and she nodded hesitantly. Namjoon smiled at the adorable girl.

 Namjoon smiled at the adorable girl

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