Day's of Future Past Part 3

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"You Guys understand the Rules now around Zuzu?" Mina asked as she and Izuku's Family had finished laying out boundaries on what they can say when around Izuku and the Kids

"Yeah i can work with it" Denki said

"I agree to those terms, there all reasonable and appropriate when around the Kids" Iilda stated

"Mineta?" Uraraka said

"Y-Y-Yeah Fine, I Agree!!" Mineta said a bit scared

"Bakugo? You agree to this right?" Kendo said with a bit of a eerie smile

"*Grunts*...... Fine..... But only because of the Kids not Deku" Katsuki stated

"Good cause if you said no then the three of us would have had to say something" Mitsuki said with Inko and Rei behind her keeping Katsuki quiet

"Alright now that, that's out of the way, Lost is Shadow ready?" Nejire asked

"Yeah i'm fine, Lost get the screen ready to resume" Shadow said getting up and going to put back on the helmet

"Right, Now as to remind you all of where we are, Shoto has met Izuku in the past and is trying to understand what happened that made Izuku so..... Different i guess is the best Non-Offensive word" Lost said reassuming the screen

Shoto suddenly grabs Izuku by the neck of His Shirt

"Listen to me you Little Shit! I've come a long way to get here and have had to watch Alot People Die, Good People, Friends, Family. If you wanna wallow in Self Pity and Do nothing, then you're watch the same things i've seen happen to everyone You Understand?" Shoto stated letting go of Izuku

"Well..... We all have to die sometime" Izuku countered walking away

"Well... I tried and forgive me for Cursing" Shoto stated

"Just what happened to me to.... Give up that much? I've been through alot and have... Dropped pretty low but... Never went that Low" Izuku said

"Yeah well, Izuku this you never had the hard kind of life you did. For one his life was alot like Momo's, Your Family is quite rich in this Universe" Lost stated

"Oh Really? Well it would make sense since, Izu you made a School or really University so i guess it'd make sense that, that you is Rich" Momo said

"So... meaning that Me isn't Used to things like that?" Izuku asked

"Uhh.... Well first you shouldn't be Used to things like that Deku-Kun But.... I guess Yeah your right" Uraraka stated

"Told you there was no Professor here.... Not anymore" Iilda Said

"*Turns around* What the Hell happened to Him?" Shoto asked

The Screen then then goes over to Izuku in his room getting ready to self administer the Drug that let's him walk with Iilda explaining to Shoto what happened

The Screen then then goes over to Izuku in his room getting ready to self administer the Drug that let's him walk with Iilda explaining to Shoto what happened

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