Ch. 4: A Band Of Brightly Dressed Heroes

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        "Does anyone else think it's unsafe to just lie the weapons on the floorboard?" Marilyn asks.

She's met with cold stares.

"It's just," she gestures to the floorboard, " they're kind of banging around a bit."

"They're fine," she's assured.

Marilyn sighs.

They get out and woah...where are they? Looks fancy and she knew. She didn't dress right.


Marilyn's smiling to herself. Can you believe it? She can't. Marilyn's so lucky that she's, wait for it- out of the country. She unpacks the bag, placing the containers of soup on the table. They smell heavenly. Will anyone else want some? She did promise Loki a meal. Hey, maybe he was just hangry. That made sense of everything.

Marilyn went to fetch him, shifting her coat again. She felt very awkward because, well, she was still in her pajamas. No one had told her that she'd been unexpectedly kidnapped! No matter the weather, she'd be keeping the coat. Warm soup? Perhaps not the best choice.

Wow. Loki was nowhere to be found. She tapped the shoulder of a man that appeared to be...harmless enough? They were all possessed and terribly frightening.

"Hi," Marilyn starts, "have you seen Loki anywhere? I believe he's expecting me."

He points her in the general direction.

Marilyn nods, "could I interest you in any soup? It's home cooked, I think."

By someone else.

"Homemade soup?" he echoes.


"Tell me where to go."

"Um, to the left, then go left again..."

This place was like a maze, really. Marilyn was able to navigate it well enough to find Loki. Was navigating the word? More like, she got lucky and stumbled into the right room.

"So, tell me more about this plan of yours," Marilyn sits down.

"I'm afraid I can't disclose any details," Loki frowns at the soup.

"What's wrong?"

"Do I just...drink it?"

"No! You use a spoon and traditionally a bowl, but we don't have those."


"We're being inventive. So, the plan."

"I can't say much, but...we're going to Germany later."


"Yes and wear something nice."

"Don't tell me what to wear."

"I'm not...but if you want to come, I'd like you to wear something nice."

"Okay then. I don't have anything to wear, so I'll hang back."

"You have to come."

"That's not how this works!"

"Yes, it is."

"I'm helping you, so you need to be extra nice to me. I could be doing anything I want right now-"

"My other option-"

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