Festivals and Farewells

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Chapter Twenty-One

Festivals and Farewells


Nell went back to the town almost every day leading up to the festival. Each day they set out with their masters but more often than not, Sallos and Furcus went off to organise supplies, leaving Nell and Jeremy on their own. The closer they got to the festival day, the more and more people arrived, adding to the ever-changing tangle of stalls and booths. Once left on their own, the boys had to exercise a lot of restraint not to spend all their wages. Nell actually left a gold coin behind in his room. Sallos had given him permission to buy what he fancied as this would be his only chance, but he just didn't feel right spending it all in one short week.

This theory was put to the test on the third day when they met up with Marshall and Sumaya. Marshall was leaping up and down, waving wildly to catch their attention over the Thorng of the bustling crowd. Jeremy and Nell shoved their way over, having left the dracks at the stables.

'You have to come see this place!' the noble was shouting, his blonde hair plastered to his sweaty forehead. Sumaya gave them a slim smile. She was still very much a quiet person, but she had warmed up to them over the months. She always chose to sit with them now rather than sit on her own.

'What is it?' Jeremy asked when they finally got close enough.

Marshall grinned. 'Come on!'

He led off. Nell had to tuck himself behind Jeremy just to stop himself from being born away in the mass of people. Nell still didn't like the crowds. The press of sweaty bodies, the rambling roar of noise and smells of body odour, dust and frying oil made him want to escape.

And take a bath.

He really hoped Marshall knew where they were going because after a very few twists and turns, Nell was lost. Marshall was undeterred though and ploughed on ahead. Nell could smell where they were going before he saw the glittering gold sign with its bright blue writing.

'By the gods...' Jeremy groaned. The smell alone made their mouths water as they approached the open door of the largest shop Nell had ever seen. The candy store was filled with all sorts of people from towering demons to giggling human children, all clattering about, looking at the row upon row of sweets and chocolates. Nell felt his jaw swing open.

Chocolate had always been very rare. There were certainly no candy shops in Nell's poor village though his father had once given him a small piece of dark chocolate that he had managed to trade a hare for at one of the larger markets he had travelled to. That had been one of Nell's most favourite memories. His eyes prickled briefly as he tried to imagine the awe and joy on his mother's delicate features if she had even seen such a shop as this.

He wished he had more eyeballs and maybe another nose. The scent of honey, caramels, sugar, fudge, chocolate and half a hundred other smells drew his head this way and that. There were jars of hard candy in every possible colour, giant lollipops, bars of nougat, barrels of toffees in colourful paper wrappers and stacks of chocolate bars. The air inside the shop was surprisingly cool. The gentle prickling in the air told Nell that the shop owners were probably using freezing sigils to stop the candy from melting in the heat.

Nell went from one area to another. Faced with so many options, he didn't know what to choose. He felt giddy. Taking in several slow deep breathes of the pungent air, he made his way over to a young girl in a blue uniform handing out samples.

'Would you like to try one?' she asked, holding out a tray of a green coloured mint fudge. Unable to help himself, he took a piece, groaning slightly as it coated the inside of his mouth. He had never tasted anything like it.

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