The Exams Begin

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Chapter Sixteen

The Exams Begin


As the month continued, the weather lost a little of its blazing heat. The evenings were starting to cool down and the air wasn't quite so painfully dry. This was, unfortunately, the only good thing to happen as the weeks went on. The exams were drawing ever closer, and each apprentice was starting to feel the strain.

Nell was deeply grateful that Sallos waited for him every night after dinner and often helped him with his writing as the apprentices were now getting homework with almost every class. They were expected to produce several sketches of new plants using the greenhouses as well as memorise tonics and cures for basic injuries.

They had to practice their sigils in the empty classroom on the second floor and complete daily essays for their linguistics and survival classes. The essays on the hunting marks, methods of fishing and basic snares were perfectly fine for Nell but without Sallos' help he was sure he would be receiving bottom marks for linguistics. Their physical training had not eased either.

On the contrary, Cadric seemed almost as though he was trying to kill them with each and every combat class. Jeremy had left the last melee class with such a bad limp. He couldn't make it up the stairs to his quarters and ended up sleeping in the hospice. Their morning workout had become more specialised for each student now that they had all chosen a weapon. It wasn't just their classes either.

There seemed to be an upthrust in the amount of noise at mealtimes and Nell noticed that the older apprentices were more often than not, coming from or going to the library even late at night. The banquet hall had become so loud Nell and Jeremy started spending much more time in the stables, talking out their homework to each other from the stalls. Even the dracks were receiving different treatment.

Furcus had told Jeremy and Nell that he and Sallos would be taking the young dracks out for runs with Shade and Crag so that they would get used to moving as a unit and obeying hand signals from the demons. This was fascinating to watch but of course, River and Thorn were utterly obedient for the demon masters and were perfectly easy to train when the instruction weren't coming from humans.

In all, the pressure was on for the apprentices to be performing at their best. Nell tried no to fiddle with the strap that help his glaive in place. They were expected to bring their weapons to combat class as well as riding and survival classes to get them used to keeping them close and moving with the objects on their person. Cadric's usual booming voice cut through his wandering thoughts.

'Every hunter worth his grit will always carry around a pack of basic tools. These generally live on your saddlebag though the smaller item, you will always carry on your person. You will add and remove things as you work out what works for you, but the basic equipment is always the same,' Cadric growled, waving a hand at the table. The class moved forward for a better look. Nell noticed the eight satchels lined up under the table.

On top of the table was a flint and steel, a water skin, a sheathed knife, a few small wax-treated leather pouches, and a small bundle of strong looking twine.

'You will each be given a satchel containing these items. It will yours until the day you die or were then to nothing,' Arabella said with a slight smile. For Nell, who had never had many possessions of his was both shocked and excited. Arabella and Cadric began to hand them out. It was with something akin to reverence that Nell took his new gear. He ran his fingertips over the front. The leather was buttery soft, the stitching strong and well made. He had never owned anything so expensive in his life with the exception of his glaive.

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