X making Fleetway rage

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Fleetway: Hey. Before I forget, you changed all our Wi-Fi passwords!
X: I did
Fleetway: Why
X: Uh...security maintenance?
Fleetway: Did- Did you just make that up?
X: I think so
Fleetway: Okay. So you changed all 3 to new passwords.
X: Yes I did.
Fleetway: The Wi-Fi backstage, the Wi-Fi for your cult, and the Wi-Fi at home.
X: That's correct.
Fleetway: Okay. Uh...uh...
X: And this time
Fleetway: Huh?
X: I made the passwords unusual, so we would remember them, but they couldn't be guessed easily.
Fleetway: Great.
X: Yeah.
Fleetway: The 1 2 3 4, was kinda stupid.
X: Now I didn't do that.
Fleetway: Yeah I know, Sanic did but he still forgot it.
X: Right.
Fleetway: Yeah.
Fleetway: So what's the password for the Wi-Fi backstage?
X: I can't tell you.
Fleetway: What
X: I can't tell you.
Fleetway: Why not
X: Why not what
Fleetway: Why can't you tell me
X: Tell you what
Fleetway: The password
X: I just did
Fleetway: No you didn't.
X: Yes I did
Fleetway: Then what is it
X: I can't tell you
Fleetway: Why not.
X: Why not what
Fleetway: Why can't you tell me?
X: I just did!
Fleetway: Are you insane?!
X: No.
Fleetway: Then what's the password?!
X: I can't tell you!
Fleetway: JERK!!
Fleetway: Can I have the one for your cult?
X: Yes
Fleetway: What's that one
X: I don't remember
Fleetway: Why not
X: Why not what
Fleetway: Why can't you remember
X: No I don't remember
Fleetway: Okay. Why don't you remember?
X: I do.
Fleetway: Okay.
X: Okay.
Fleetway: So what is it?
X: I don't remember
Fleetway: HOLY crap...
Fleetway: You have the one for the house?
X: Yes.
Fleetway: What's that one?
X: You have to guess it.
Fleetway: I CAN'T GUESS IT!!!
X: Well, of course not!
Fleetway: So what is it?!
X: You have to guess it!
Fleetway: I CAN'T!!
X: You're making no sense!
Fleetway: I'm making no sense? You're making no sense!
X: I don't know what to say to you.
Fleetway: What's the Wi-Fi password for the house?
X: You have to guess it.
Fleetway: SCREW YOU!!!

the EXEs being idiotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora