Chapter six

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I don't know why but something compelled me to follow those footsteps. I discovered Dream in the kitchen peacefully munching on some cookies sipping from a glass of milk. He sees me and without a thought hands me a cookie.

"I plan to tell Tubbo in a few days." He says.

"If anyone gets killed I'm out." I say. Dream shakes his head.

"I'm sure they'll try to fight but once they see what I have in store they'll step aside." Dream says. He was so calm and casual with everything he said.

"As I said, no one gets killed." I repeat. Dream nods. I get halfway through my cookie before Dream turns to me.

"You know, before I trained you I never would have expected you to obtain the amount of power you have." He says.

"I wouldn't say I have power." I respond.

"Nah. You don't realize it but you do. Before it was just potential but now. . . I don't even think you understand." Dream says.

"You're right. I don't understand." I tell him. He sighs.

"I don't think you ever will." He says. I shrug. "One day. When you're one of the people ruling over the SMP you will understand." Dream adds.

"Nah. I'm Techno's sister. It's not right for one person to have a say over everyone else." I reply.

"Techno's sister. You don't even understand how much power those words alone hold." Dream says.

"Not really. He makes his own choices." I reply.

"He trained you didn't he? Without him you wouldn't be able to beat me." Dream says.

"True." I say taking another bite of my cookie.

"Either way, you'll find yourself having to lead a group of people one day. Then you will understand just what I mean." Dream says grabbing another cookie. I looked at him. His expression was relaxed. This wasn't a manipulation tactic, it was genuine.

"I'm visiting Tommy tomorrow." I say breaking the small amount of silence that had formed. He nods.

"I would say he's not allowed but I don't think there is much stopping you." Dream says.

"What are you grounding him?" I ask sarcastically.

"I don't know. The boy's gotten out of hand." Dream says. It was then that I realized Dream genuinely believed Tommy's behavior had gotten out of hand. Sure he was starting wars but so was Dream. Tommy was just the ingredient of chaos that when added to a situation triggered the war. It would probably happen sooner or later, but most of the time it's triggered by Tommy.

"You don't have to parent him. Also he is still just a boy." I say.

"Yeah a boy that's caused a lot of problems." Dream responds.

"It's not his fault. He's still growing up. When you grow up seeing war, it creates bad habits. You might make more progress if you'd learn to be patient." I say. Dream chuckles.

"That's what you think." He says. I gave him a look of offense. He noticed it.

"I promise you if I talked to him, I would make a lot more progress than you would." I say.

"Yeah but then he doesn't respect me." Dream tells me. My expression hardens.

"Why do you need his respect?" I ask.

"Doesn't matter." Dream replies. I grab another cookie. We ate in silence for a second. Then I finished my cookie and returned to Sapnaps room. Sapnap wrapped me up in his arms where I fell asleep.

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