Chapter Two

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Sapnap and I held hands while walking along the prime path. Bowser ran sprightly along the worn wooden path with us. When Wilbur died Sapnap was the only one that could convince me to get fresh air. We would take daily walks through the forest. Sapnaps presence and the clarity of nature never failed to help me feel at peace. While they're no longer a daily ritual, the therapeutic walks never really stopped. "Look!" Sapnap said excitedly pointing out a trail of fire ants.

"Nick, it's just ants." I say.

"Yeah but ants are cool." He says letting go of my hand to crouch down and look at them. I giggled. The insects captivated his child-like brain.

"The stupidest things fascinate you." I say. His gaze finds me. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head softly before smiling.

"At least I find normal things fascinating. You are only interested in combat, books, and the forest." He replies.

"And those aren't normal?" I say. He shakes his head again still smiling before standing back up and taking my hand again. The warmth of his much larger, calloused hand gave me a sense of security. We continued walking until we'd reached the house. Bowser ran to the door, then Sapnap released my hand to lean forward and open the door. When I got in I walked into the kitchen to get water. I filled Bowser's dish then poured myself a cup. I took a sip and noticed Sapnap standing next to me.

I set my cup down and looked at him. "What?" he asks with a smile. I giggled before grabbing his shirt collar then pulling him down to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me and I pulled away from the kiss to snuggle into his embrace. He stroked my cheek before kissing my head and letting me go.

"We still have to go to Puffys for lunch." I tell him. He groans.

"Why can't we just stay home and cuddle." Sapnap whines. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You're such a baby." I say. He chuckles.

"Yeah but you love it." He replies. I could hear the smile in his voice. I turned around and shoved him. "Hey what was that for?" He questions.

"You smell, go change." I tease him.

"You love the way I smell, don't lie." He jokes. I roll my eyes and walk to my bedroom. I found an outfit that I could wear comfortably under my armor. Since I had decided to team with Dream I started to wear armor again. I got dressed, when I walked into the hallway Sapnap was leaving the bathroom. He had just showered. I walked up to him and put a hand on his cheek.

"You didn't have to shower I was just teasing." I admit.

"Yeah but you like my hair wet so I figured I might as well." He says.

"True. Can I braid it?" I ask. I liked to put a little padawan braid in his hair whenever he let me.

"Sure. Just let me get it in a bandana." He tells me. I nod and walk into the living room to find Bowser laying on the couch. I decided to fill his dish with food before Sapnap and I had to leave. Sapnap walked into the living room and I told him to sit down in front of the couch so I could braid some of his hair. I loved playing with his hair. It's weirdly calming for both of us. I brushed out his hair and put a little braid in it. Once I'd finished we got up and got ready to go. I layed out some things for Bowser then we left for Puffys. Puffy moved out of Badboyhalo's house a while ago. She had a house near tommys. We walked down the prime path till we reached her house then knocked on the door.

Puffy opened it with a smile. "[Y/N], SAPNAP!" she says happily. Then she pulled me into a hug. I returned it happily then Sapnap and I joined her inside. When we got there Tubbo, Karl, George, and Ghostbur were already at the table. I felt weirdly guilty when I looked at Tubbo. He had no Idea. Tubbo smiled at me and I returned it. I grabbed Sapnaps hand. He was the only person who knew that I was going to stand with Dream. Tubbo didn't even know there was a plot against him. Sapnap ran his thumb over the back of my hand to signal I was okay.

We sat down at the table. Puffy had prepared a platter of sandwiches, a large bowl of salad, a veggie plate, and a fruit salad. Sapnap and I sat on the right side of the table with ghostbur. Everyone started eating, the table's conversation was peaceful. Ghostbur tapped on my arm. "Hm." I say.

"Tommy wanted you to have this." He says handing me a book. I thanked him. I decided to wait before opening the book.
"Speaking of which, has anyone visited him yet?" Puffy says. Tubbo looks down.

"I tried but Dream said he wasn't ready." Tubbo says.

"What thats ridiculous. Tubbo I'll take you to visit him." I say.

"Really?" Tubbo says. I nod.

"I visited him with Dream." Sapnap says.

"Is he doing alright?" Puffy asks. Sapnap nods.

"I feel bad for him. The kid is a loud extrovert and now he has to go where there isn't anyone else. Not to mention Dream isn't making it any easier on him." Sapnap says.

"I'll have to visit then." Puffy says. Something about the whole conversation made me anxious. Sapnap could tell so he put a hand on my leg to comfort me. It worked and I continued the meal. When I looked up George was looking me up and down as if he could tell something was up. I ignored the look and ate. "How is Bowser? I made him some home-baked treats." Puffy says. Sapnap spoke up and excitedly told her about Bowser.

I loved watching Sapnap get along with puffy. Puffy liked talking with him. Occasionally I would see him bond with Phil but not very often. Everyone finished their lunch and puffy brought out a plate of cookies. That's when Tubbo looked at me. "[y/n]?" He asks timidly.

"Hm?" I answer. Tubbo seemed nervous.

"When can I go see tommy. I don't know how much longer I can wait." He says.

"I don't have much going on. We can go after lunch or spend the day there tomorrow." I tell him.

"Really? I have a presidential meeting I can't go tomorrow." Tubbo says. I look at Sapnap who nods in reassurance.

"We can go after lunch. We might have to leave soon if we want to beat sunset." I say. Tubbo nods excitedly.

"If you're going would you bring him some of these cookies? Oh and the sweater I made him. I don't know how cold it is there." Puffy says.

"Sure. I'm gonna run to my house then come back here to get Tubbo." I say.

"I'll help Puffy clean up then." Sapnap says. I thanked him then left the house. Not a second after I'd left I heard the front door swing open behind me.

Playing With Fire Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now