After a moment of trying to calm myself down, I head back to where everyone else is. They all looked at me and clearly I couldn't hide my emotions from them because Lizzie stood up and walked over to me, hugging me. I hug her back and burry my face into her neck and the tears I was trying to hold back, started falling. I feel more arms around us, and I just knew it was mom and dad. Lizzie knew exactly what it was and so did mom but dad, he just assumed that Finch broke up with me. "Where did she go?" He asked and I pulled away to look at him, sniffing a bit from the crying. "She left. She couldn't handle staying. I tried to convince her to stay but she still left." He pulled me close and held me in his arms. "It'll be alright honey. Come on, eat a little something, it'll make you feel better." I nod my head and sit with them. The only thing that could make me feel better is seeing Hope.

    Once I ate a little something, I did feel a tiny bit better but Hope would be able to do better than any food. Speaking of which, where is she? She should be awake by now right? "Hey, where's Hope?" I asked and everyone looked around. "I guess she's still sleeping. I'll go wake her because she needs to eat." Freya said and got up to go get Hope. We waited a few minutes and Freya came back without Hope but with a confused expression on her face. "She wasn't in her room. Has anyone seen her this morning?" Everyone looked at eachother and no one knew anything. Now I was worried. Where could she have gone? "Maybe she just went for a run." Kol said and maybe he was right but why did my feeling not go away? "I'll try calling her." Rebekah said and got up from the table and walked off to call Hope. I could hear that it went straight to voicemail from a mile away. "Why is her phone off?" I asked, making everyone look at me. The other vampires heard it go straight to voicemail as well. Something wasn't right. Where the hell is she? "I'm sure she is just out running and turned it off so we wouldn't bother her." Lizzie said and rolled her eyes but I could see right through her. She was worried too but it didn't seem like it was the kind of worry of not knowing where someone was. Why is she gone? Please just be on a run Hope, please.

Lizzie's P.O.V.
    When I hear that Hope is missing, my thoughts instantly went to what she asked me to promise her. If she won't answer her phone, it told me that she must be looking for Malivore and was going to stop him once and and for all. I could tell Josie was worried so I needed to make sure she didn't try going out and looking for her. I have to act fast. "Rebekah, do you guys have a dungeon or someplace to lock someone up?" I asked and everyone just looked at me confused. "Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?" Rebekah responded and was as confused as everyone else. Knowing that they had something like that, I knew that's where we would have to keep Josie so she couldn't run after Hope. I look at Josie and sighed. I never wanted to do this but if I don't, no one else would. "I'm sorry Jo." I said and she looked at me with a confused expression. Before she could question my apology, I grab her head and twist it enough to snap her neck, knocking her out. I managed to catch her in my arms so she wouldn't land on the ground but I knew I wouldn't be able to hold her for long. "Elizabeth!" I hear both mom and dad yell my name. "Why the hell would you snap your sister's neck?!" Mom said and they both looked pissed at me. "I will explain everything in a minute. Right now we have to get Josie in that dungeon and make sure she can't get out." "Why do we have to lock up your sister?" Dad asked as he crossed his arms, obviously pissed off. "Just trust me okay?! MG please carry her there." I said and looked to MG knowing he would trust me and do anything for me. He hesitated but he did as I asked. Rebekah led us to where their dungeon was and everyone followed still confused or pissed at what I did. "MG put her in there and lock the door." I said and MG listened. He gently laid Josie on the bed that was in there and came out. Rebekah closed the door and locked it up. Obviously they had this place for whenever they needed to lock some supernatural being up for some reason. It was the reason we had one so I knew they probably would've had one. "Okay, now explain Elizabeth." Dad said and looked at me.

Someone Worth Staying For (Hosie)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant