Chapter 7: Return to the Hunting Grounds

Start from the beginning


Cheetor didn't get to finish that statement, as a small bolt, started to roll across the countertop. Chicory's body tensed and in a flash her arm shot out, a servo with curled digits slamming down on the moving bolt. After a moment of silence, her ears pricked up. She glanced around the room seeing the confused faces of the others present.

"Sorry," She whispered, removing her servo from the bolt. Her tail twitching, and ears drooping in embarrassment.

"It's alright, Chicory," Rhinox said, picking up the bolt, "You were saying, Cheetor?"

"Oh, yeah," Cheetor cleared his vents, "Uhm, 'Cory, I was wondering if you wanted to come outside with me?"

She quirked her helm to the side, "Outside?" she whispered, sounding slightly excited.

Rhinox hummed, "Chicory, you will have to transform, will you be alright with that?"

Her expression twisted slightly with worry, but eventually she nodded.

"If you have nothing else to do, go on ahead," Rhinox said.

Cheetor flashed a smile, and quickly rushed to grab Chicory's servo. The latter cat must have been what startled by her friend's excitement, as she slipped and fell to the floor right after getting to her paws. Cheetor, was quick and frantic to apologize, but she quickly stowed his attempts, with a small and soft smile.

The dust heat was mellow, and the breeze gave the outside world a fresh smell to it. The ground was still slightly soft, but not soaked. Perfect for moving and not making a sound.

Cheetor had lowered himself to the ground. The downy soft fur on his belly almost scraping the ground. Through the tall reeds of grass, he could see the gazelle. The creature flicked its simple tuff of a tail, while it chewed on its dinner. Cheetor slowly crept closer and closer.

Finally, he felt he was close enough. The maximal's hunched up legs, and sprung forward, launching him towards the prey. In the blink of an optic, he rushed, aiming his jaws at the creature. But the prey was smarter than it looked. The gazelle dashed to the side, dodging the maximals snapping mouth. Cheetor's paw slipped out from under him, and he faceplanted into the ground.

Cheetor groaned, before picking himself up.

"Are you alright furball?" Dinobot asked with halfhearted worry.

"Fine Dinobot," Cheetor grumbled.

"You'll get them next time little cat," Tigatron said walking up.

"Hope so, big cat," Cheetor replied.

"Well, now that you have successfully scared away all the nearby prey, it might be best that we move on to another herd. This one is far too alert to our movements," Dinobot snarled before stalking away.

Tigatron rolled his optics before following the warrior. Both catbots knew he was right, all of the nearby gazelles were practically gone, thanks to their clumsy excuse for hunting. It was a lot harder than it looked. By now most of the animals nearby the base left, meaning they usually had to travel a few miles to find any herds. While, Cheetor didn't mind exploring far beyond the walls of their ship, he was just a little worried about Chicory being this far away. He was scared that she was going to get overwhelmed, have her beast side completely take over her programing and get her lost. Slowly starving herself from energon and die.

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