a deal

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It can't be true. He is not dead. He can't be dead.

Surely this is a prank played on him by someone. Maybe Dust. Reaper probably agreed to take a part in it and the mirror in the bathroom is a screen with filters, his soul is probably floating somewhere, maybe he just lost it again and Nightmare will return with it, scold him for his stupidity and give it back.

He tries to open a portal but hisses as paint shoots through his every joint and he falls to the ground, barely stopping himself with his hands from falling face first onto the wooden floor. Reaper rolls his eyes at him before he closes the portal and sits back down on the sofa. "You don't have enough magic to make a portal, whatever you had was used to make." Reaper gestures to him. "This."

Killer glares at him before he walks closer to the Reaper, he reaches to his sleeve and a ping of disappointment hits him upon not finding any knives in there. There most likely aren't any in his socks and hoodie either from what he can see. "Then get me more magic! I need to go back to them! They need me!"

Reaper sighs as he puts his cheek against his palm. "I can't you're dead, You shouldn't be here in the first place but in hell they don't want you either. You're going through 5 stages of grief. First there is denial, then anger, bargaining, depression and last acceptance. You seem to be at the first stage."

Killer growls as he tackles Reaper but when he tries to grab his spine the bone goes through his fingers, he can't touch Reaper. In confusion he backs away and looks at his hands. "What.."

Death just rolls his non-existent eye lights as he gets up and goes to the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes some leftover salad out of it. He peeks out of the kitchen as he sees that the other didn't follow him at all. "You want some ghost food? I got some ghost sandwitches, it ain't much but at least it's something."

Killer snaps out of whatever trance he was in and walks to the kitchen. "Why am I here?? Why do you keep me here?!"

At first Reaper ignores his question as he opens the fridge again and gives him a ghost sandwich before he closes the door. "Easy, calm down, I'm not keeping you here, I'm simply letting you stay because they don't want you in hell and you can't go to heaven either." 

Death sits down before he takes a fork and starts eating the salat. Killer glares a bit but quickly eats the sandwich. "Then why don't you let me go?? I need to go back to my gang!"

Reaper sighs as he puts his fork down and looks up at the other skeleton. "There was never a situation like this before, I can't simply let you go, they wouldn't see you  without a body anyway. For being awake for only 5 minutes you seem pretty annoying."

Killer's galre turns into a grin as he gets an idea. "How about a deal? If I convince them in 5 days that I'm alive you will get me a body and I'll get to stay with them but if I won't then I'll stop annoying you and leave." Killer took his hand out to Reaper, seeing as he couldn't be killed by his touch. He couldn't touch him anyway. The deal seemed like a win-win situation but was it really?

"I didn't expect you to go through those three phases of grief so quickly, it seems like you missed a step." Reaper rolls his non-existent eye lights as he gets up and takes Killer's hand, surprisingly his hand doesn't go through and actually touches Killer's hand. "We have a deal but I make the rules, you can't tell them about the deal and that you're a ghost and if you fook something up too much the deal ends."

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