the death

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Hewwo peeps, this is a bad sans poly book in which Killer dies and has to find a way to come back to the living for his lover's, That's all that I'm going to tell ya all for now, read the book to find out more!

Everything is blurred, a building is seen getting further and further away from the view but why does he see it as if he had fallen from the top? The ground is getting closer and closer, tears and his black liquid are falling slower than him, as if they were flying instead of going down.

Despite the adrenaline he can't do much but to pray.

The ground is closer.

The ground is-

Killer wakes up in cold sweat, breathing heavily he looks around and discovers that he is still home. His non-existent brain is playing tricks on him again and most likely making him dream about falling. It felt so real that he couldn't help but to feel panicked.

"You okay..?"

In horror he discovers that he is lying next to the grim Reaper himself. He quickly rolls off only to hiss in pain as his leg ends up in a weird and uncomfortable angle. Reaper is quick to lift him up with magic and put him back on the sofa that he was laying on. "Careful, I didn't save you for nothing."

"Save me?! You almost killed me with your touch!" Killer hisses the words out, his mind slowly catching up with what happened a moment ago. How come he is in death's house but he is not dead? Was this another dream perhaps?

Death only laughs a bit before he sighs. "Too late for that, you're already dead, Kills. The fall killed you, you're lucky that I found your soul before the others did." 

Killer blinks in confusion. It couldn't be that right? He is literally here, alive standing and breathing, Reaper is just probably joking. He looks himself over and discovers that something is not alright, his soul is not floating in front of his rib cage, he can't summon it either, something is not okay.

"Bathroom is upstairs if you want to take a better look at yourself." Killer glares at Reaper and gets up before he runs to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. For sure that is not what he expected to see.

Back at him is staring a skeleton, half transparent with red sheen to him, his soul is nowhere in sight and the scars he used to have are non-existent. Good thing that at least his tear marks stayed. He walks out of the bathroom confused and furious. "What the f*** did you do to me?!"

Reaper sighs as he gets up and opens a portal. Killer glances into it and freezes as he sees a coffin being put into the ground, Nightmare, Cross, Horror, Dust and Error standing next to the hole that it's being put in, all dressed in black clothes. Horror Is crying, Nightmare looks like he hasn't slept in days and the rest of them look miserable.

"You died. The fall killed you."

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