2012!💜🐢||Enter: New Friend!

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You were already an hour behind schedule which made the kids extremely bored.

Children and boredom are never a good combination.

Her eyes went wide "What?! What are we gonna do?!" This wasn't going her way.

This was her moment to get close to you and ask you out on a date! But if the mood between you two were like this, then there is a low chance of her plan's succeeding!

Or wait...

Actually... if April could somehow get around this problem and show you that she's very capable, it might get your attention on her!

A bright smile crept up her face. Yes! She can do this! Just watch (Y/n)! You're gonna see just how awesome April O'Neal can be!

April remembered the first time she saw you.

It was after a week long worth of resting after a particularly nasty fight with the foot. She knew she had go get back to school or else she won't be seeing that sweet, sweet diploma in the future.

While everyone hated school, for April, it was a break from all the action. She loves her friends a lot, but she needs this. The sense of normalcy she rarely gets to experience.

So imagine her surprise when a crowd of girls and boys caught her peripheral vision. She was about to ignore them, but a bright melody of laugher reached her ears like angels singing.

Lots of people started parting ways like the red sea as the popular kids stolled down the hallway towards her. She never got to see so many people gathered like this, thinking it was an upcoming school election. Election candidates tend to sometimes give away snacks to advertise themselves instead of using posters, so it kinda caught her interest enough to go in for a quick peek.

And there you were.

The newest member of the popular league and my god, were you a gem to behold. People were drawn to your "fresh meat" aura, trying to coax you to join their group or club.

When you passed April, your eyes met for a brief moment.

It was as if the entire world had stopped and she was hit with a new wave of overwhelming feelings that made her knees buckle.

And at that moment she knew she's undeniably hooked.

"April?" She jolted when you waved your hand infront of her face. "You okay there?" You tilted your head in concern.

"Huh?! U-Uh yeah! Peachy! Just ah-" Damnit! Did she zoom out?! Did you catch her staring?! "I-I just need to make a phone call!" April took out her phone smiling awkwardly.

You nodded "Okay?" You gave her shoulder a light pat "I'll go see what I can do, alright?"


"Yeah!" April stiffly chirped "Sounds great!!" She swooned.

It's been a week since Donatello had followed his brother's advice in  'personally observing' you.

At first he was judging everything you did like a disappointed Asian dad. But after seeing you, the (Y/n) behind the perfect grades and perfect looks and angel-like persona... you were actually just an average human.

Donnie watched you study so late into the night. You were so exhausted and so sleep deprived that you poured cold water to cook your instant noodles. He saw you doing laundry outside, slipped and accidentally ripped your pants when you thought no one was looking. He once saw you plop on the couch then suddenly collapsed, holding your ass in pain. You didn't even hit anything?! Your dumbass sat on the remote didn't you?

Picture This! (TMNT x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang