2012!💜🐢||Enter: New Friend!

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2012!DonniexMale!Reader(xApril)Part 3_________

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Part 3

Life is great and you're forever thankful for all the blessings that you received. Not many people are fortunate enough to not worry about their next meal or where they're going to sleep. This made your heart soft for those people in need, which is why you regularly visit homeless shelters and donate toys and supplies to charities.

Today though is a special one.

You and your little group had been tasked to do a "community service" project, complete with documentation. As the assigned leader, you chose a local orphanage to help.

The day was set for planting seeds. I mean, what better help than teaching kids the importance of Agriculture, right? Of course you guys are supervised by adults, although there were playing mahjong in the distance.

The whole porject sounds doable too if not for one problem...

"My dude... I'm gonna be so late, man."

You bit your nail in worry. "How long do you think it'll take?"

There was a slight pause "I dunno? 30 minutes?" There were loud honks on the background "I'm really sorry man, I didn't know it would be this bad! I gotta go though I'll call again okay?" Click. The line went dead.

Your face paled "Oh no... this is bad..."

"(Y/n)? You okay? Where's Max?" April O'Neal, your other group mate saw you in distress. She's a nice girl. Smart and very helpful, albeit a bit clumsy at times.

You looked down on her blue eyes and tried to muster your best positive smile. "He's gonna be late or.. I don't think he'll make it." You scratched your head. Max was supposed to bring in the seeds and mascot costume for Mr. Carrot. Something the kids of this orphanage was looking forward to see.

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