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"Melvin MELVIN?"

In a daze at work at the fire department like always. My best friend Johnny bumped me letting know that it was time to go back in. Johnny was the friend I was telling yall about. That man loved his little sister dearly and i see the hurt in his face everyday. I see the hurt in his mom Nancy face when I go over too on weekends. My fake ass would go over with Johnny  just to show "my support" to try to help find his sister Jennifer. All I hear is him and his mom praying out loud that their baby girl would be found. Little did they know, the boy ma Nancy help raised, was the same boy who was so obsessed, they he would kidnapp, rape and kill her only daughter.

Finally, we ended the work day shift and thank God it wasn't not one call to put out a fire. That was unlikely because we would get at least one call a day; Whether it was minor or major.

I got in my car and instantly lit my blunt I had rolled that morning. Attempting to put my car in reverse I could see Johnny waving from a distance. I waved back but the guilt was written all over my reaction. I backed up and headed home.

Daylight savings time went back a hour so it got dark quick. Riding down the highway tuning my radio, I could hear local news still talking about the missing of Jennifer Jones. It's like I would catch the chills hearing that girl name... Knowing what I've done to that girl.

Pulling in my yard I just cried and prayed to God before getting out. It's been 3 months since they last saw her. I walked in my house and threw my keys on the kitchen table.

"Baby today was rough you hear me. Everyday I miss you more and more!" I said

And there my crazy was once again. Talking to the ashes of Jennifer I burned in a barrel 3months ago. Her body was safe with me laying in that old flower vase.

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