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note, this is kinDAAAa short but I'm on a time crunch because I need to start finishing up some 2bdamned + jeb + deimos oneshots but i hope you guys enjoy!!


It seemed like a lovely day in Nevada for once.

People stopped fighting, just for today, no matter their differences.
It was Valentines day, the only day that seems peaceful apart from Halloween, or Christmas. 

Deimos looked cheerful as he shown off his heart sweater. It was relatively chilly still..

I gently wrapped up the last gift box. I planned on giving everybody a box of chocolates and a personalized gift, it wasn't really a lot, but chocolate was a rare find in Nevada. I had to get it shipped here from Newgrounds Co., and they hardly ship anything over here to this hellhole.

I hummed as another person walked through the door. It was Auditor and Jeb, and to be honest, Auditor looked timid. I mean, understandably so, being in a room full of people who are usually your enemies can make you nervous.

Hank gave them a small wave, and they returned such.

It was a little bit of a tradition to just relax together on holidays, I mean, fighting gets tiring, doesn't it?

I smile, "Yo, [NAME], are you finally done wrappin' up stuff?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Settle down." I laugh and stood up after placing each of the gift boxes on the coffee table. I swear we were missing somebody..

I glanced around the room. Hank, Deimos, Sanford, Dr. Crackpot... Auditor, Jebediah.. Oh, I'm surprised Sheriff came over... Uh, wait-

Oh, god. 2BDAMNED isn't here, where the hell is he?!

"Guys, do you know where 2B is?" I asked, looking a bit nervous as I scanned the room. 
"... Office." Hank muttered, sitting down on the couch with his hands in his lap.

"Ugh, the guy can't even come on out of his lil' cave during the holidays." Sanford muttered, "I'll get him." He sighed, and Deimos waddled on behind him.

I sighed in a bit of a relief as I fixed up my sweater. I looked a bit exasperated from wrapping so many things. 

After I sat on the couch, Auditor shyly sat by me. I swear, this man seemed to be completely new during the holidays, being shy and not talking a lot.

"Hey, Audi-Daudi. How've you been?" He seemed to be put off-guard for a second, his eyes going wide as he sat there, stunned for a second.

"Uh.. Well." He muttered, I gave a small nod as a reply. "It's funny seeing you like this. You're usually pretty bold, hah." I grinned at him, which he looked away with a little nod.

"He's just not used to this." Jebediah chuckled and sat by us. Jebediah's reply made Auditor huff and put his hands together. "Says the man who had a panic attack over coming here in the first place." Jeb just sighed, "would you lose the attitude? Lord have mercy on your soul, Auditor."

This made Auditor seem to smile, but it was hard to tell.


After a while of talking, Sanford and Deimos were dragging Doc out of his office by the arms. "He kept refusing to come out," Sanford huffed, "- like he was going to die or something by coming out and having fun."

"I have work to do, Sanford. Let me go." 2B grunted and wiggled as he tried to get out of their grip, but it was proven pointless after a while. Sanford was too strong for him.

"C'mon! I've been wanting to open gifts for a while!" Deimos huffed and ran over to the coffee table, excited. Sanford put 2BDAMNED on the couch with a sigh.

Eagerly, Deimos already grabbed his, "Can we open them, [NAME]? Can we? Can weee?" 

"Yeah, alright." I chuckle a little at his excitement, and he was already tearing into the bright pink wrapping paper. Sanford smiled and picked up his, beginning to open it as well.

Everybody was opening their gift boxes except Auditor and Sheriff. They both looked a little anxious, and Sheriff was over away from us.
So, looks like I have to give a hand right now.

"Auditor, this is for you." I smile gently, handing him the pink box. He looked at it weirdly, before grabbing it. "For.. Me?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah, of course, silly. I made everybody lil' gifts." I grinned and pat his back, "open it. I'm gonna give Sheriff his." 

He stared at it, like it was gonna bite him or something, before opening it. Mission success, hehe.
I went over to Sheriff, next.
"Sheriff? Buddy? You've been over here away from us for a while, are you okay?"
He didn't have his usual attire on. He had his hair tied back into a messy ponytail and his cowboy hat off, showing off his scars a little better.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I've been fine, why?"

"We're opening gifts. You were all the way over here so I dunno if you noticed or not."

"Oh- OH, yeah, uh.. I did. I just thought nobody would get me anything.."
"I made everybody gifts! It was a lil' difficult, but.. I just hope you like it." I handed him the gift box, and just like Auditor, he looked at it funny. "Sure this doesn't have some thingie-mcbob that'll blow up in my face or somethin'?" 
I laugh a little, "Yes, I promise. C'mon, I'm not that type of person." 

He began to unwrap his, and he looked a bit curious. "How in the world did you end up getting chocolate? And from this company out of all places? Last time I saw them ship stuff here was back on Christmas.."

"I guess they're just feeling a lil' bit of holiday spirit this time around."
Sheriff just smiled at me, and pat my shoulder, "You're too kind for Nevada, you know that?"

"And you're too sweet."


By now, everybody has warmed up to eachother and was chatting, thank the lord. The gifts made people 10x more talkative, people showing them off made me happy, very happy. 

I hummed in contentment. I was a good distance from everybody, in the kitchen. I was grabbing a drink but I just decided to hang out in here for a while, since it was quieter in here. 
I noticed somebody come in the kitchen shortly after, it was Sanford.

I waved at him, and he waved back. No surprise there.

"What are you doing in here, [NAME]?" He inquired, sitting on the counter while eating one of the chocolates out of his box. 

"Got loud in there, so I just wanted to move in here for a sec'." 
Sanford nodded, "Y'know, you didn't have to get us presents. I wonder how you could even buy us stuff every year."

"I know I didn't have to buy you guys stuff, but I thought it'd be nice. Did you like the dagger I bought you?"

"Yeah! It was cool, I liked the designs on the blade.. Was it handmade?"

"Yep." I giggle at his reaction.
"You spoil us, I swear. Deimos was going crazy over his gift, he was really happy." Sanford laughed softly, "he kept screaming, that's why it was so loud in there. Auditor seemed pretty happy too, so did Jebediah. They all seemed thankful, and believe me, I am too."

"Aw, Sanny. You're too sweet." I hesitated for a moment, before giving him a tight hug.

He seemed a bit surprised at first, but hugged me back. He felt warm, it was.. Nice.

I wish more days were like this. It was, nice..

I don't want things to go back to normal, and I think everybody else could agree.



WOOOOooo 1k+ words again!!! i thought this would be a nice treat for you all, for a special day :D love you guys! I promise i'll get chapters out soon! 

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