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Such a strange word.
When you need it, you can't seem to find it..
No matter how much people try to encourage you..
But when you've overcome your hurdles..
You realise it was in you this whole time.

A year has gone by with me thinking I didn't have enough strength..
Now, here I am contemplating over how I had it all this time..


There it was, when I was sat there teaching my father how to use the laptop while holding back tears from the pain you caused me.

There it was, when my mum would discuss shows sitting besides me, laughing about how ridiculous the characters on TV were while I was gathering tissues from all the tears I shed in the dark of the night.

There it is, right now, allowing me to put these feelings into words..

Finally with strength came peace..

Hello! ✨

I had been itching to write something all day. I have an idea for a new story but the words just won't come to me for now.. So here's this little piece to ease the writing itch. 😬

Maybe with this, will come the inspiration to put my imagination into words. ❤️

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