4 ~~ Eyes of the past

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Birmingham, Small Heath ~ December 1914

"Get the fuck off me you gremlin!!" Her shrill cries fell upon deaf ears. Tears brimmed her eyes as she felt thick calloused hands find their way into her silk-like raven hair, the smell nauseating it permeated her nostrils, a mixture of tobacco, sweat and cheap alcohol, her face scrunched up in disgust as the man dragged her body towards the open door of a car, throwing her into the backseat she kicked and screamed, the man clearly not cut out for kidnapping, he fumbled with the keys as she continued her antics.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE!!" He bellowed, his obvious frustrations showed her she was getting on his nerves, hoping to at least piss him off some more a sarcastic remark left her lips before she had a chance to stop it. "You wish I was a whore you dirty cunt" She saw the offence in his eyes as the words dripped off her tongue like knives, ready to slice. She thought she had stumped him, until she felt the cold, hard butt of a gun connect with her temple, causing everything to go black...

Knightsbridge, London ~ September 1925

Sitting upright in her bed, beads of sweat dripped onto her brow, her wild hair stuck to her face and neck. Chest heaving as she tried so desperately to detach her mind from the nightmare that plagued her dreams every night. It forced her to relive the moments of her youth that she so desperately wanted to forget. She wished she could just separate them from her conscious, place them in a draw and compartmentalize as she does with everything else she feels. Similar to blood, it stained everything it touches in her mind.
Continuously damaged from the dreadful nightmare that took over her dreams each night only this nightmare wasn't full of fiction, it had no candyfloss trees, no river filled with liquid gold, it was filled with demons of her past, hellish and horrifying.
She believes if it was pure fiction, a figment of her imagination she would find it simpler to eliminate it completely. However every day she is reminded of what torture she had to endure, the events which forced her to come to a decision that ultimately changed her life forever.

Shaking her head in a bit to rattle the jumble pieces of her mind back into their designated places, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and ran a hand through her wild raven locks, as she swung her legs and placed her feet on the smooth mahogany wooden floor, just as she did this, her ears peaked at the distance tapping of heels, but her jade orbs focused on the whooshing of the majestic willow tree that directly stood in front of her bedroom, the soft creaking of the engraved oak doors didn't deter her from the dance that the tree and the wind performed together, almost perfectly made for each other, whilst they waltzed in symphony to the silent melody.

"Miss miller? there's a telephone call for you.." The maid Eliza an aspiring singer with a voice sent from God himself, called out to Emlyn.

Whilst walking the unilluminated streets not too far from her home in Knightsbridge, London, on one wet October night two years ago.
Emlyn had found a grotesque plumpy looking man attempting to force himself on the petite woman and just by looking at her as she attempted to overpower the man Emlyn knew that with her Small frame and a soft caramel face that showed nothing innocence, she couldn't protect herself.
Emlyn came to her aid and without a second thought, she took out her Smith & Wesson 686 from her black leather drop leg holster, with a precision aim, shot the man in the back of his head, his body fell limp onto the grimy stone floor of the alleyway.
Emlyn gave zero fucks if he had a wife or children, in her mind she was doing the world a service by ridding it of such a pathetic man with such a blatant disregard for others.
The shaking girl had thanked Emlyn profusely immediately as she handed her a black and emerald embroidered handkerchief to wipe the blood splatter from her face.
Emlyn noted that she had just moved into a fancy six-bedroom, white townhouse not a five-minute walk from the alleyway they were in, she offered Eliza a job as a live-in maid, with a  room of her choosing to decorate how she likes no expense spared, hours of her choosing, a five-pound an hour wage, not to mention free roam of the house, all she asked in return is to work a minimum of four days a week. Eliza originally refused stating she wanted to try and make it as a singer in Sabini's club however Emlyn had a solution she told Eliza that she was close with Sabini, in fact, she co-owned Sabini's club, he used it for whatever he liked, she used it for her business, and so after some debate, a warm cup of tea, change of clothes, Eliza agreed.

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