3 ~ Revivsiting a memory

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Small heath, Birmingham - December 1924

Thomas Shelby was a complex man, mysterious, stoic and determined, a man of many secrets, the residents of small heath knew he was originally a give to the poor kind of man, however since relocating to Warwickshire, in that big fancy house, many of the residents found themselves relying on the peaky blinders less and less, finding other ways to solve their problems whether that be working extra shifts at their jobs when they can or even to the extent of asking other gangsters such as the Changrettas for help.
The Changrettas were an Italian gang who reside in America but originated in small heath, to which they have always been helpful to the community, their services sometimes come with a price however said price is always affordable. This didn't go unnoticed by Thomas, in fact, he found himself frustrated no only had the community, his community, essentially turned their backs on him they have also turned to his rivals for their needs. Thomas knew this was something he needed to rectify and quickly. Yes his business was legitimate however he knew the support from the residents of small heath and the Birmingham community as a whole would always benefit his business, with the loss of the people of Birmingham his business would face the consequences. unfortunately for Thomas, he had bigger fish to fry.

Walking down the wet, frosted cobblestone, a man on a mission, which did not go unnoticed by the residents, they were shocked and honestly a little worried that Thomas Shelby was stomping down the streets in such a fury that many never dared to look in his direction for fear he would take their eyes.
The people of small heath had not seen Thomas Shelby in months and with many aware of the passing of his wife, some questioned who had pissed him off for him to leave his wife's grave to come back to small heath, they feard for the person who would receive Thomas's wrath.
Thomas was aware the residents that cowered away were scared of him and that's just the reception he was hoping for, what kind of leader would he be if his people weren't just that little bit scared of him. He had one job, one that had crept up on him without warning, which does not happen to Thomas often, he's always aware of every person that tries to wrong him but he had no idea that his past would follow his every move, watching, waiting for far too long, she was always patient and he pinched himself for assuming that he wouldnt have to pay, not after what he did, assuming she wouldn't come back to haunt him was one of the few mistakes he had made in his time on this earth, he hoped he wouldn't have to pay for with his blood...

The icy conditions of Birmingham's small heath, matched Thomas Shelby figuratively and literally, his heart cold, frosted over by the trauma of his past, unable to truly move on, but also matching his expression of venom, showing he had indeed created a world that fit him and him only, never escaping said world as his emotions span around his mind. As hard as he tried he could not steady his unusally darting heart, as it thumped against his ribcage, threatening to expose him as a man with feelings, though he truly believed he did not feel his body had failed him.

Lighting a cigarette as he stood outside the garrison taking a breath of the toxic fumes he had grown to love, he had no clue what waited for him on the other side of the ornate wooden doors, realising he was acting a fool for fearing a person long thought gone, he adjusted his posture in an attempt to intimidate, it usually worked, the great Thomas Shelby was a nightmarish figure, putting terror, into peoples hearts to prevent betrayal, she was no different than the average person, and the past was exactly that, the past, she was in the past. An imperial collection of memories that he had placed in a box and hidden away so to avoid ever experiencing the pain associated with the slideshow of heartbreak, he so badly wished didn't exist.
Taking a few steps he pushed the doors that shielded him from her, upon entering he stopped, brows furrowed slightly the only person he saw was his brother. He began racking his brain as to where she was, knowing her last location was the garrison, plus the fact she had specifically asked for Thomas confused him to no end, until it occurred to him that she was playing a game and for once he wasn't in charge, he had no idea of the rules or even how to play, but he knew one thing, she was enjoying it. She had stayed effectively hidden for a decade, so he did not doubt that she revelled in the fact that he was stumped, standing in the garrison like a muppet not the intimidating man he was perceived to be, no she made him look like a twat. Rushing out the door of his house in Warwickshire at the mere mention of her name, all the way to the last place she was known to be, this infuriated him to no end, wanting to not only know what she wanted, he had his suspicions, but also to put an end to whatever mischief she had caused.
Looking at Arthur Thomas cleared his throat and as if in a dreamlike state Arthur didn't even look up from the bar, where he sat but continued to stare off into the distance, one hand clasped around a half-full whisky glass, the other holding a nearly smoked cigarrete. Thomas could tell that he was shaken up, the animalistic, brutal, charming man he knew his brother to be looked like an empty shell of the man he once was.

Love lust // Thomas Shelby Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant