The Extra Payment and Burgundy Eyes

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Trigger Warning : extreme violence, gore, rape, major smut, kinks

Setsura POV

A week after SEVENTEEN's attack, I received Mukuro's reminder that the 'extra' payment was tonight. I went to Taeyong and told him about the reminder and that he should be prepared if I come home with burgundy eyes. Then, I told Onii-chan about the reminder and that I had already informed Taeyong about it.

After we finished training and went home, Taeyong and Doyoung went to prepare dinner. Everyone else scattered and did whatever they wanted. I went to my room and thought about what would happen later tonight. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice when Taeyong called everyone down for dinner. I only realized how long I had been thinking when Onii-chan came and told me that dinner was ready.

Once we got to the dining room and sat down, we started eating, and everyone was chatting. Then, Jisung asked me a question. "Noona, why did it take so long for you to get to the dining room? Taeyong-hyung shouted pretty loudly when dinner was ready, so why did it take you so long compared to the rest of us?" "The reminder for the 'extra' payment came today. I was thinking about what will happen tonight," I said, answering his questions.

"Oh..." most of the members at the table said after hearing that the 'extra' payment was tonight. "What exactly does the 'extra' payment include? Yuta-hyung never got to tell us what it involved," Jisung asked again.

"It's basically the same as the 'full' payment, except there will be more wounds, and the wounds will be severely worse than what you've seen thus far," I said to Jisung. "How much worse are we talking about noona?" Jisung asked. "Let's see here... Mukuro uses a stun gun on me until I almost lose consciousness. He also uses lightning magic and forces it inside my body, which won't leave unless someone touches me while sparks are visible around my body. There's also his attempt at electrocuting me. Can't forget him stabbing me in my neck and shattering my voice box without severing my carotid artery. He also uses fire magic to give me second and third-degree burns," I answered.

After answering Jisung's questions, we finished eating dinner and went to our rooms.

* Time skip *


Around 11:30 that night, Mukuro came and pulled me into the dimension where I make my 'payments' to him. (a/n: I forgot to mention that time flows differently in the dimension where the 'payments' are made. What might feel like an eternity in that dimension is only a few seconds in the real world).

Once inside, he did the same as he did the night I arrived in Seoul. Next, he flipped me over since I was already on the ground and raped me for what felt like forever. After he was done raping me, he got his stun gun and tased me with it until I was almost out cold. Then, he used fire magic that gave me multiple second and third-degree burns.

After that, without giving me time to recover, he used lightning magic and struck me with lightning. The lightning was then trapped inside my body with no way of getting out. He then tried to electrocute me by stabbing me in my upper arms with two needles and attaching two clamps, one with a positive charge and the other with a negative charge. Then, he attached the other ends of each clamp to a machine storing a large amount of electricity.

Finally, after being electrocuted, he grabbed a small dagger and stabbed me, shattering my voice box but not severing my carotid artery.

It's over😓

"I have my payment now. You can go, but watch out because the payments will be coming more frequently," Mukuro told me. Then, I went back through the interdimensional portal and was back in my bedroom at the gang house. As soon as the portal closed, I dropped to my hands and knees, breathing heavily.

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