The Betrothal Explanation & Current Situation

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Trigger Warning: mentions of burning, poison, mentions of murder, trauma


"What the-? You two are betrothed?! How the heck did this happen?" I asked Taeyong and Setsura. "I would also like to know how my younger brother became betrothed to you," Younghwi said.

"Well, your majesty, there were some side effects from the poison extracted from my sister's bloodstream. Her body temperature rose so high that she unintentionally started to burn everything she touched. So, I asked Taeyong and Chenle to help get rid of the excess heat. When Chenle tried, my sister's scarf attacked him and burnt his neck, but when Taeyong tried, my sister's scarf attempted to attack him but stopped for some reason. He then proceeded to continue absorbing the heat from my sister's body. When she woke up, she walked to Taeyong, and the scarf around his neck suddenly appeared. That scarf is the proof of my sister's betrothal," Yuta-hyung said to Taeyong's older sister.

"Why my brother, though?" Younghwi asked. "I'm not sure why, but the two of them are stuck with each other," Yuta-hyung replied. "I see," Younghwi said. "I knew that my sister was eventually going to be betrothed to somebody soon since she came of age ten years ago, but I didn't think it would be anyone from the gang. I didn't expect her to even come to Korea until she told me what happened to our parents," Yuta-hyung told Younghwi.

"What happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking," Younghwi asked Yuta and Setsura. "Ryunosuke called my family to the Kurosawa family mansion for a meeting between the leaders under the clan's control. On our way there, we were ambushed by some mysterious men, and they killed our parents. Ryunosuke judged me guilty of killing my parents, and I was banished from the clan territories, so I moved here since I knew that Onii-chan was in Korea," Setsura answered her. "I'm also the only family she has left, so that made things even harder for her since Imoto-chan didn't have anyone she could rely on until she found me," Yuta-hyung added.

"That's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to the two of you. Setsura, do you know why you became betrothed to my brother? I know I asked before, but seeing as how you're the one betrothed, I thought you might know why," Younghwi said to Setsura. "I do. Before they were killed, my parents told me that when I met the person I was meant to be betrothed to, a patterned scarf with the element or type of magic that they are most closely related to would appear around their neck. I think the reason why it was Taeyong is that he helped me with true concern, worry, and kindness in his heart," she told Younghwi.

Yuta POV

"She's right. Even though it didn't show in Taeyong's facial expression, I could tell by looking at his aura that those three things truly were in his heart when he helped my sister," I added. "That, of course, means that Taeyong does care about what happens to me, but not necessarily that I've gained his trust," Imoto-chan said as her eyes turned pink.

"And now that we're betrothed, Taeyong and Onii-chan are the gang members that are in the most danger now. The others I met before joining the gang are still in danger, but not as much as Taeyong and Onii-chan," Imoto-chan added as her eyes changed from pink to indigo, indicating how worried she was for the said members.

"This means that they are going to have to train how to fight without their powers and work together. Imoto-chan is going to have to earn Taeyong's trust soon as well as improve her combat skills and teach Taeyong everything she knows about Mukuro," I told everyone.

"Why does Setsura-san have to earn Taeyong-hyung's trust so soon, Yuta-senpai? I thought that we had a while before Setsura-san had to make another 'payment.' And, is Mukuro the name of the person who wants Setsura-san dead?" Shotaro asked. "Even though she recently made a 'payment' to Mukuro, a normal payment will only last for two weeks. Imoto-chan needs to gain Taeyong's trust so that when Mukuro comes for her, they will be able to fight him off. And yes, Mukuro is the name of the person after my sister," I replied.

Taeyong POV

"Does that mean that there are other types of 'payments' Setsura makes to Mukuro?" My sister asked. "Y-Yes, I do. The other types of 'payments' I have to make are m-much worse than the normal 'payments' I make," Setsura replied, slightly shaking. "How bad is it Setsura-san?" Shotaro asked her. When Shotaro asked her how bad the other 'payments' were, she started visibly shaking and hugged me as she started sobbing, burying her face in my shoulder.

For a reason unknown, I suddenly felt the urge to hold and comfort Setsura. I hugged her as she kept sobbing into my shoulder and asked if Yuta could explain the severity of the other 'payments' to the rest of the members and my sister while I took his sister to my room to help calm her down. "Imoto-chan. Is it okay with you if I tell them about the other 'payments'?" Yuta asked Setsura. Setsura was still shaking and sobbing, so she just nodded her head.

I picked Setsura up and held her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my neck as I started walking to my room. She continued to cry on the way to my room. When we got to my room, I sat down on the bed and sat her on my lap. I hugged her while petting her head, trying to calm her down. After a while of crying, she calmed down to where her sobs had turned into sniffles. She took her hands away from my neck and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"How are you feeling Setsura?" I asked her. "A little better, thanks for asking," she answered. "Yuta is telling the other gang members and my sister about the other 'payments' you mentioned earlier, so you don't need to worry or think about it right now," I told her. "Okay, thanks Taeyong. I know the others need to know about it, but all of the other 'payments' have just completely traumatized me because of how much worse they are compared to the last 'payment' I made," she said to me.

"I know that Shotaro asked how bad the other 'payments' were earlier, but can you tell me what the next 'payment' you're supposed to make is, and why it's so traumatizing? Please?" I asked her cautiously. "You don't have to tell me right away, but I'd like to hear it from you personally," I told her. "I-It's okay. You deserve to know too. Especially since we're betrothed now. T-The next 'payment' I have to make is known as a 'full payment,' and it includes something that isn't in the 'normal payment.'"

"What does the 'full payment' include that isn't in the 'normal payment?'" I asked her. "I-It i-includes... umm... M-Mukuro defiling m-me..." she stuttered out.

To be continued...
I hope everyone out there is doing okay. As usual, if you are that's great, but if not, I hope my story can give you some peace of mind. I hope everyone has a great day/night!

- Gong Enxing

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