Our Love is Blind: Archer Gilgamesh x Blind!F!Reader (2)

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Y/N slept very little the night after the unexpected visit from her King, too jittery to rest her mind for even a few minutes.

'This is hell!' She thought as she paced around her bedroom, anxiously biting her thumb at the countless scenarios playing through her brain. 'Will he kill me after he's done using me? Will he even pay me?' Y/N sighed, shaking her head as she took off her tunic and trousers, exchanging them for the nicest clothing she owned. The very fact that she had to meet with the king three times a week had her shaking at the knees. For good reason, of course. He was ruthless, temperamental, and unpredictable.

Once she was done changing her clothing she pulled on her reed-woven sandals, stepping around cautiously to test them. 'It's weird not feeling the floor,' she thought as she felt around her bed of woven reeds for her blindfold, her headscarf and its pins. Her hands made quick work fastening the blindfold to her head, steeling herself for the mental challenge of putting on her headscarf. Her hands reached for the coarse material, fumbling with it as she wrapped it on her head and pinned it in place. She sighed, standing up as she took her cane from its place resting against the wall and felt her way towards the stairs, following the wall with her free hand. Her footsteps were all but silent as she eased herself on the steady dirt floor, letting out a relieved sigh when she was spared from the pain of tumbling down the stairs.

She walked into the back of her store, quietly gathering and cleaning all of the tools she would need to bring to the palace. She packed her tools into a canvas drawstring satchel before carefully wrapping a cube of clay in a beeswax covered cloth, carefully setting it in the bag. Y/N pulled the bag over her head, resting it on her right shoulder as her fingers grazed the cold metal of the heavy necklace that had been given to her. Her thoughts stilled as her fingers paused on the metal, feeling it warily. 'If it's gold I might be targeted...' she thought as she bit her lower lip. 'I should tuck it underneath my tunic...' The fabric of her tunic easily slipped over the heavy collar-like necklace, leaving Y/N praying that it covered the metal completely as she walked farther back into her shop. Her fingers felt around the countertop her cane bumped into, her hands finally touching the apples her kind elderly neighbors had gifted to her. It was a thank-you gift for repairing their old water jugs that had been knocked out of the wife's hands by some children running in the streets.

She bit into the apple, holding it in her mouth as she tucked another apple into her bag. With her hand back on the apple she began walking again, feeling her way around her home until she found the back entrance. Y/N ducked under the low overhang, stepping out into the chilly morning air as she set out towards the palace. It was early. So early, in fact, that the birds hadn't woken up yet. 'I hope I'm not too early...' Y/N thought to herself as she took another bite of her apple. 'That would be embarrassing. "Local stoneware artisan awake before the King." Gods, I would just be an embarrassment to my Master.' Sighing to herself she shook her head. Nothing good would come of putting herself down. 'Who knows. He might be impressed by my assertiveness and pay me extra. Wouldn't that be a dream!' Y/N smiled to herself, chuckling as she felt her way around town. She went silent, listening to her surroundings as she inhaled the cool morning air, her thoughts remaining on her kindly teacher. Pottery wasn't the only craft her Master had taught her. The knife on her belt had the weight and experience to show it.

Her thoughts went West, making her frown as she remembered the day her Mentor had been taken away from her, leaving her in charge of their little shop. Her memories of that day were hazy, but the reason he had been taken was not. King Gilgamesh was preparing for war with the Persians, and he was gathering every able-bodied man and magician for his army of Uruks. Despite being a humble man, her Master had a great deal to boast about. He was a well decorated Magician who had done his best to hide his identity and skill. Y/N's hand gripped her cane tightly at the memory, the small flare of mana she released out of anger was squashed in mere seconds out of fear. She shook her head, relaxing her hand as she continued to eat her apple. 'I'm lucky no one suspects a blind lady of being a Magician,' she thought, her mouth going dry as she lost her appetite. 'I pray he doesn't discover me. That will be the end for me.'

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