school mystery pt. 1

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note-this is how mitsuki became a wonder and why:)


          "seven school mysteries. only seven. why only seven. i want to be a school mystery." the female supernatural spoke to her friend next to her. "why do you want me be a school mystery so bad?" "i don't know. the school wonders have unique abilities. i don't even have a name, i'm just a supernatural." "you do have a name, your real name, y/n l/n." "it's not enough. i want more, amane-kun is a school mystery and i'm not. i hide in the shadows while i watch the students go to the main seven." she sat up from the rooftop top. "i'll do anything."

"anything?" mistuba questioned. "you know what. i'm going to go to tsukasa. he'll help me. i know he will, if i wish it then it'll come true. then i can be as powerful as a-" "what?!? are you insane?!? if you go to tsukasa then everything will go bad!" mistuba protested, trying to convince his friend to not go to a maniac. "you don't know how i feel, mitsuba-kun. you're school mystery number three." "believe me, l/n-san. i do know how you feel, i was a nobody at first but when tsukasa made me into this...i-i felt like i lost everything."

y/n knew this was the other mitsuba. the mitsuba before he became school mystery number three. it wasn't the second one, it couldn't be. the second one was different than the first. only kou and y/n noticed the difference. y/n cocked her head to the side. "mitsuba," the girl walked closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "i'm sorry." she slowly disappeared into thin air as her head turned to the side with a sad expression. "please, y/n. if you're listening, don't go to tsukasa." he looked down.

y/n was inside the school building, behind the doors of the rooftop. the warmth of inside made her feel a bit better. she pulled in her legs and wrapped her arms around them as she put her head down. "being a supernatural isn't enough." after a few minutes of silence and being alone, the mokke came up to her. "candy! we want candy!" they spoke. "i don't have candy right now, mokke-chan." "luckily i do." a sweet and soft voice was heard as a girl with cream colored hair walked up the stairs with a bright smile.

          "nene-chan, it's you." y/n said in a calm tone. "why are you up here alone, y/n?"she asked as she got on her knees, handing the mokke candy. "i'm not sure. but i've been thinking, what if i become a school mystery?" "o-oh, that would be difficult. when mitsuba-kun became school mystery, he became a whole new person and kou-kun was very sad. i'm sure the same thing will happen if you become one." she said as she rubbed her head, trying not to sound rude. "they're so powerful, though." she said with a sigh. "but they do have limits." yashiro added.

          "yeah, i know. but when i become a wonder, i won't have any at all. i'd be the most powerful of them all." she smirked with closed eyes. "i'll have different clothes and everything. i'm tired of wearing the old middle school uniform." "oh, yeah. that reminds me. my mother made this! i told her it was for me but i want to give it to you." yashiro brought out a f/c cardigan out of her cross-body bag. "i don't think i can take that." y/n got on her knees as well to match yashiro. "why not?..." she said with a sad tone.

          "n-not in a mean way!" she quickly replied. "it's beautiful." she calmed down. "but i'm a ghost, i don't think i can wear it." "i'm sure you can, just take it!" "okay..." y/n took the cardigan from her hands and put it on. "a perfect fit." she whispered. "see, it looks nice on you." "thank you, nene-chan."

          "i can't believe it didn't fall off of me, you can't even touch me." "i know right!" they laughed and helped each other up. "i think i'm going to become a school mystery." yashiro's smile faded. "aren't you going to be happy for me? i'm going to ask tsukasa. i'm sure amane will understand, he is my lover. lovers understand everything." yashiro opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. "i will become so powerful." she smiled. "thanks for the cardigan, nene-chan." she twirled and faded away.

"we are definitely gonna be in danger." yashiro said to herself and se gripped the straps of her bag. "i need to get hanako-kun!" yashiro ran to the girl's bathroom in the old building. she saw hanako playing cards with the mokke. "you are cheating!!" hanako yelled. "that's not fair, you three won so many times in the row." "we are one step closer to being a school wonder." the said in a threatening tone of voice. "yeah, yeah." hanako rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

          "hanako-kun?" yashiro spoke. "oh, yashiro! ready to clean the toilets?" "we need to talk, hanako-kun." "about what?" yashiro looked sad as she placed her bag in the corner on the bathroom. "it's about y/n." she looked up at him. hanako had a blank expression. "what about her? is she okay?" "yeah, but-" "i've gotten her flowers." hanako got off of the windowsill and pulled out a huge bouquet of flowers. "these are her favorites." he smiled sweetly as he looked at them. "hanako-kun, that's not what i-" once again, he interrupted her, "do you think she'll like them?"

          "hanako!" she yelled. "listen to me! she wants to become a school mystery and she's even going to tsukasa for it. i tried to warn her but-" "what." hanako froze. his eyes shot open, his pupil was now a tiny dot. shadow covered hanako's eyes, he seemed so surprised. he dropped the flowers and stood still.

          "if she become a school mystery then everything will change. she won't be the y/n we know." he looked down. "we need to stop her! hakujoudai!" hanako put his index and middle finger together and pointed forward. soon a white circle appeared. it had smoke-like texture on top and was a blue-green color in the middle. "find y/n." he ordered. soon the white orb went zooming out of the bathroom. "hanako-kun, will it find her in time?" yashiro asked. her heart began to race. she was feeling sad for her friend for she didn't want to lose another one.

"i'm not sure, yashiro." his voice cracked. "i have no idea where she could be if she's not inside the school." hanako clenched his fists tight and ran out the bathroom with yashiro following. "hanako-kun, where are we going?" "to the rooftop!" hanako had no problem with running in the halls but as for yashiro, students were whispering about her. she could see a group of girls pointing and looking at her. she felt embarrassed but she knew she had to save her friend.

          they managed to get to the rooftop, but when they got there. y/n was already talking to tsukasa. y/n heard their footsteps as yashiro and hanako walked closer. "amane, are you happy for me?" she turned her head slightly. "i'm going to be a school wonder." she smiled with sad eyebrows. "why are you doing this, stay with a regular supernatural." hanako spoke. he looked up at tsukasa who was flying in front and above y/n. "don't do it, tsukasa." hanako looked down as he began to sweat. tsukasa's blank expression turned into a mischievous grin. he closed his eyes and laughed.

          "i grant wishes for the dead, amane!" tsukasa said with joy. "you grant wishes for the living. if she wishes for something then i have to do it. that's how it works for the dead." tsukasa shrugged his shoulders in the air. "why does it bother you so much that she wants to become stronger? you don't want your girlfriend to be weak, right, amane?" hanako didn't reply, he didn't want to talk to tsukasa, not after what he did. he also didn't want to talk because him and y/n were not dating. they just were really close and called each other their lovers. he blushed with sad expression. he pulled his hat down. "leave y/n alone." was all he said.

          "do you wanna know why y/n died?" tsukasa began to giggle. "tsukasa, no!" y/n looked straight back at tsukasa. soon the boy in the air stood on his feet. y/n knew she couldn't stop what was about to happen. "she...committed...suicide." tsukasa walked up to amane. in response, hanako had those same big shocked eyes. he looked over to y/n. "oh, y/n!" tsukasa looked over to y/n as he said her name in a singing-like voice. "let's go finish what you've wanted, okay?" he then faced hanako again. "amane!! the next time we see each other...let's play a game!!" he giggled and walked away.

          tsukasa grabbed y/n's hand, "let's go, y/n!" y/n looked back at hanako's sad expression, he shook his head no and took off his hat. y/n knew when hanako took off his hat he means it and that it's amane yugi speaking, not hanako-kun. it truly reminds her that he is still that boy who always had bruises and scratches, that boy who loved astronomy and everything related to it. y/n felt bad but looked away as she disappeared with tsukasa into thin air. "i've lost her." hanako said. "hanako-kun, are you okay?" he turned to yashiro with the saddest expression you could ever think of.

          he ignored the fish-girl and also disappeared into white smoke. "hanako-kun, don't leave me here. i love you." she whispered. yashiro dropped to her knees as the wind blew her hair everywhere. "i wonder what'll happen next" she said to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek.

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