the door

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          as they were still falling, yashiro began to doubt herself. "her boundary wasn't this big!" she yelled out. "senpai, what exactly is your plan!?" before she could speak, she saw the ground. "KYAAHHH!" she yelled. kou looked down, they thought they were going to die. "i don't want to die." she whispered. they were getting closer to the ground. "save me...hanako-kun." she closed her eyes and began wishing she could go back in time before jumping. but before they fell into the ground, something grabbed them. they were vines. vines of flowers of all sorts. then, they gasped so loudly. "senpai! we're alive!" they cheered.

          "those vines saved us!" yashiro pointed to the vines that surrounded the stairs. "this is the bottom? it's very deeper than i thought. it's even deeper than yako's boundary!" "y-yashiro, i need you." a familiar voice spoke. "hanako-kun!" "where'd you go, bathroom boy??" kou questioned. they turned around to see hanako limping, he had dirt all over his uniform, scratches covered his face. his right arm holding up his left. " me." "senpai, i don't think we should-" "hanako-kun, are you okay?!?"

          the ghost boy fell onto his knees and had a sad expression. "what happened to you down here!?" she questioned. "senpai!" kou tried to get her attention but she just wouldn't listen. he noticed that hanako had his knife in hand, ready to hurt yashiro is some way with his weapon. "senpai! get away from him!" kou went up to yashiro immediately and managed to grab her away in time. the person they thought who was their friend tried to kill yashiro. "h-hanako-kun!?" the boy'a appearance began to change, his body broke apart as everything basically melted off. now the boy was no longer a boy.

          "what is t-that?!?" yashiro yelled out, scared and shaking. "!! you humans..." the creature turned into a large bug, "you humans are so...disgusting!" the creature managed to speak, its voice was scratchy. "how dare dare you step into here." "i'll save you, senpai!" kou shouted as he brought out his staff, he grabbed it from his back and did cool twists with his fingers. "heh." he chuckled. "i am minamoto kou from the minamoto clan, i will not let you hurt-"

          "enough." said a mysterious voice. the voiced echoed and everything disappeared around them. "supernaturals stay here for safety." mitsuki appeared in front of kou and took his staff. "hanako-kun is deep inside my boundary. oh, yeah. i remembered something. hehehe!" she giggled with excitement. "my lover."

          she stepped back. "what do you m-" before yashiro could finish her sentence, mitsuki clapped her hands together, then slowly pulled them apart revealing a door. the door stood in between kou, yashiro and mitsuki. it was door similar to a classroom at school, but to the old school. "open it." she smiled. yashiro and kou looked at each other. "maybe you can help me find my lover with this memory." she cocked her head to the side.

          yashiro asked, "do you think you're lover will remember you?" mitsuki looked away. "he died before me. i'm not sure if he will remember me." after she said that, she disappeared. "good luck." her voice echoed. "come on, kou-kun." "you're right, senpai. let's help mitsuki-sama." they opened the door and walked in.


"ah! kou-kun, it's the announce-" kou quickly shushed her respectfully and pointed to the two people in front of them. "ã̶̢̛͙̳̦͖̥̮͖̦̏̑̏̍͘m̶̥̤̞͋͆̿̀͒͛a̶̹͆̀͌͐̎͘͠͝n̷̨̠̞̅̅̇̇͜ȇ̶̛̻͕̼̆͋-kun!" the anonymous girl giggled. she wore the uniform for middle school girls. "the sun is setting and the stars are already out!" she sat on the windowsill, the window was wide open as her legs were on the outside kicking. "the moon will come out any second now!" "yep! heheh!" "the school is closing soon, we have to get home soon." "what if i were to die right now." she happily sighed.

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