no memory

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"kou-kun!" yelled the girl with daikon ankles. "yeah, senpai??" kou immediately replied. "we need to help, mitsuki-sama." "what do you mean?" "kou-kun, she told me something yesterday." "what'd she say?" he asked. "come on, let's walk to the bathroom. i'll explain on the way." kou nodded and walked right next to yashiro with his staff in hand. "so, what's up?" kou looked down at yashiro. "she told me that she didn't want to die. she also said that she doesn't remember how or why she died." "why?" "yes, why, she thinks there is a reason."

as they walked to the bathroom, they ran into akane. akane is a boy in the same year as yashiro. he is deeply in love with aoi, a childhood friend of his and a best friend to yashiro. "oi, yashiro-san, are you talking about that new school wonder?" he asked. "mhm. she wants help from us." said yashiro.

"help with what?" yashiro looked away. "a lot." she looked back at akane. "have you met her yet?" she asked the boy with glasses. akane slightly chuckled. "why would i want to meet the new school wonder." "why not, aoi-senpai?" asked kou with crossed arms and a tilted head. "minamoto-kouhai, i hate supernaturals." he said with a smile as he took off his glasses. now he could see the scary creatures that roamed the school. "oh, how rude, number one." mitsuki stood behind akane with arms behind her back. she giggled. "hehehe!"

"and here i thought we could be friends." akane turned around to see a school wonder in a black skirt and striped shirt. "so you're mitsuki-sama of the underworld." "careful, number one. people might think you're crazy talking to air. hehehehe!!" the school wonder disappeared. akane looked around and there was people staring at him. he then noticed a purple-head girl with beautiful features. "ao-chan!" he shouted. "akane-kun, you too?!" she covered her mouth with a shocked expression. aoi walked away shocked and confused as akane chased after her while putting his glasses back on.

          "oh, there goes akane. well, let's go kou-kun." kou agreed and walked with yashiro. they made it to the bathroom but as they walked in, they saw mitsuki on the windowsill, looking out the window. "i miss being here...alive." she looked at them. "have you found out anything?" she asked. "no, i haven't been researching lately, i'm sorry, mitsuki-sama." "oh." the school wonder looked down. "why did you disappear earlier?" asked kou. "number one is funny! but he looks like a mean person so i had to go." "oh, have you seen hanako?" "lord seven? no, i haven't."

the school wonder got off of the windowsill, she looked up at the two kids who stood in front of her. "there's one thing i can do that people don't know, i can show memories of the pass." the girl lifted her right hand, "as long as i can remember it. if i want to play someone's else's memories, i'd need number four." the school wondered walked forward. "you do know her, right?" kou opened his mouth to speak but yashiro spoke first. "yes, i took her yorishiro."

"what." mitsuki-sama's eye began to twitch. "i needed to, hanako-kun said we had to do it to all the school wonders!" "so you're going to take mine? i don't even know what my yorishiro is!" "but you're a school wonder?!? how can you not know?" kou asked. "when i joined the wonders...i-i didn't know anything." the girl fell to her knees. "i wanted to old self. but he told me i couldn't. he said i couldn't be a human. he told me that i can no longer remember when i was alive." "who told you that, mitsuki-sama?" asked yashiro.

"i did." said a voice that came behind yashiro. "hanako-kun!" shouted yashiro. "toilet breath!" shouted kou. "lord seven." as hanako walked forward, yashiro and kou saw his expression clear. he was serious. his hat covered some of his face but his seal was showing. it was no longer just white. "your seal, hanako-kun." yashiro gasped and walked backwards. "it's half black?" she questioned. "hanako, what's going on with your..." "i have no idea." he sighed. "number eight," he looked at the ghost girl in the eyes. "you need to let go of the pass."

          "i can't

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          "i can't." she looked down. "i want, no, i *need* to know. i can't move on without him." the girl began to cry softly. "if you won't help me, then i'll get tsukasa." she looked up at the trio and lifted her hands. they went passed her head, she immediately brought them down and everything around the four changed. they are now in her boundary. "will you help me, hanako-san of the bathroom?" the girl with tears flooding her eyes held her hand out. kou and yashiro stood quiet behind hanako, waiting for his answer. they were at the top of her boundary. if they were to fall they might die for no one knows what lays at the bottom of her boundary. hanako had his hands in pockets, he stood quiet, his hat covering his eyes.

          "i'm sorry." was the only thing he said. mitsuki's hand dropped to her side. she immediately stopped crying. she sniffled, "selfish jerk." she whispered. "i'm going to find out myself then. good luck surviving my boundary. this is the gate to the underworld after all." she then appeared closer to hanako and pushed him off the cliff. "i'm not going to stop you from saving him." the school mystery walked away. "we need to get hanako-kun!" yashiro yelled. "come on, senpai!"

          as yashiro looked down, she gulped. the fall was going to be long and scary. but she had to save him. she loved hanako-kun, she deeply cared for him. so without hesitating, she grabbed kou's hand and jumped off. "hanako-kun, we're coming." she whispered to herself. "AHHHHHH" yelled kou as he tried to find a perfect position to fall.

"forgive me." mitsuki spoke. "forgive me already."

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