school mystery pt. 2

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"ah! t-tsukasa-kun, is everything going to be okay afterwards?" "you're going to be reborn." he said. "what does that mean, tsukasa-kun?" tsukasa ignored her and summoned his orbs, everything will be okay, trust me." tsukasa smiled widely, his eyes closed. he had his hands behind his back. y/n knew nobody trusts tsukasa, even though she knew him in the past. she always had a feeling that tsukasa wasn't the same. but since envy took over her mind, she went with his plan anyways. "i want to be an angel, let me be reborn as an angel. a beautiful school wonder, the strongest and the most important thing in this school." she said. tsukasa chuckled slightly, he covered his smile and laugh with his hands. y/n looked around real quick and realized she didn't know where she was. "where are we?" she asked.

"your new boundary." tsukasa answered as his eyes turned blank, he had a mischievous grin. y/n looked down and saw water rising. she wore no shoes, only white socks. her feet were touching the cold water. the water rises until it reached the top of her ankles. "where is everyone else?" y/n looked at tsukasa. his smiles faded. "you're still thinking of everyone else? they didn't care about you." he spoke, his eyes still pure black. "you're wrong, hanako-kun and nene-chan are my best friends! along with kou-kun and mitsuba-kun." "if they cared about you so much then they would respect your choice of becoming a school wonder. wouldn't they?" y/n stood quiet and looked away, "are you ready?" tsukasa asked. "ready as i'll ever be." "you made a huge mistake, hehehe." tsukasa whispered and giggled. he put his right hand in front of him and his orbs soon circled y/n.

"we're ready, sakura!!" tsukasa yelled out as he used his left hand to point up. the scene cuts to a girl with green short hair, her face was not very clear, you can only see her uniform. she sat at a table with a radio. she turned the radio on and brought a mic closer to her. "have you heard this rumor?" her voice echoed all over the school, even in the boundary tsukasa and y/n were in. the scene cuts back to y/n and tsukasa. "have you heard it? school mystery number eight." y/n dropped to her knees in pain. tsukasa just watched with a smile. his hat covered his eyes. "aghhh!" y/n screamed in agony." her eyes shot open. "they say if you go to the big tree in the garden and say your deepest wish you'll meet mitsuki-sama. she rules over the underworld. if you leave without paying her in fish scales...then.." y/n's body began to change, her clothes ripped apart and fell off, the orbs obviously covered her. they changed her clothes to a white-strapless dress with laced designs all around it.

her uniform was on the floor in pieces before her along with the cardigan her best friend gave her that same day. her fingers gripped to her cheeks as she screamed and cried in pain. the boundary around them began to change as well, it turned into hanako's bathroom, then yako's staircase, then the library, then shijima's art room, then the school mystery meeting room. it was changing quickly and didn't stop. "she'll drag you into her boundary and murder you." soon everything went quiet and tsukasa's orbs returned to him. y/n was on the floor. she stood up and went close to tsukasa. she looked up straight into his eyes, her hand on his shoulder. soon they were in a boundary. triangle shaped glass fell around them.

y/n fell on a knee. "they're disappearing. what did you do to me, tsukasa?!" she sighed sharply. "you wanted to be reborn," a sadistic smile grew on his face while y/n looked down. "you went to me with your wish. envy took over your mind. how childish." he began to chuckle slightly. tsukasa looked up and grabbed a glass piece. it was a memory. he wiped it and it began to play. it was a memory that had hanako and y/n in it. "i promise to always be with you." said a faint voice on y/n. "hehe," hanako faintly chuckled with a warm closed-eyed smile. "hopefully the day never comes that we are not together," he held y/n's hands and placed his forehead against hers. they were about to kiss but the memory ended. tsukasa crushed it in his hands and y/n's eyes shot open.

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