"And what did he say?" Meiko asked, looking between the gang members of the group before casting her gaze back at her brother, eyes narrowing as she noticed the blonde struggled to meet her gaze. "Well!" She snapped, "What'd he say to deserve you beating on him? I wanna know!"

"Damn bastard!" Pah growled pointing to the Hanagaki boy, causing the boy to flinch at his next words. "Hiding behind your sister! What sorta man are ya?"

'No!' Takemichi thought, 'That... That wasn't... I wasn't trying to–'

"Oi! I said enough!" Meiko interrupted Takemichi's minor crisis as she snapped her fingers as if training a dog. "Eye's over here! You're dealing with me now, and I won't be ignored! So someone better fucking tell me what's going on before I get real mad." She threatened, moving her gaze towards a silent and frowning Draken and Mikey as the two boys seemed to simply be observing the situation as it unfolded.

"He's saying we shouldn't fight Moebius!" Peh shouted then, catching Meiko's attention.

"What–" Her eyes became wide as she openly gapped at the boys in shock.

"He says someone else is pulling the strings!" Pah growled, glaring at the younger boy. "But then has the balls to say he can't tell us how he knows. What kind of bullshit is that?"

Meiko's eyes shifted back to her brother's for confirmation on what the other male had claimed. Takemichi reluctantly nodding as he stared back at his sister desperately for her support, 'Please... Meimei, I know I haven't explained anything. But please...' He thought, staring deep into his sister's own blue eyes. 'I need you to help me here.'

'God fucking damn it, Bakamichi.' Meiko grimaces as she tore her gaze from her brother's desperate look. 'Did you really come here to ask these guys to not have a gang fight, and then not have a full argument to make your point.' She dropped her fighting stance as the urge to smack her brother started to build. "Okay, I can see why you're pissed, that is valid given what happened to your friend and his girl, but beating on this dumbass isn't gonna make anything right."

"Meimei–" Takemichi tried to speak out as his sister turned a scolding gaze down to him.

"Don't you 'Meimei' me!" She snapped, causing the boy to flinch as he noticed the disappointed look in her eyes. "What have I said about running into fire? This has nothing to do with us, Takemichi!" His stomach twisted into knots as his sister used his full name. "If what you're saying is true, then tell them who it is so they can deal with it." She scolded hands tightly curled into fists by her side as she stared down the boy, 'I don't know what's going on...' She thought suspiciously, 'But if what Michi is saying is true...' Her stomach twisted into knots, 'Then he needs to spill everything he knows so that Mikey and Draken can reevaluate the situation. Otherwise–'

"I can't tell you... because I don't know who it is." Takemichi shot back defeated, as he tried to get his sister, anyone to listen to him. "But–"

"Takemichi." No longer able to keep his silence with the scene that played before him, Mikey finally stepped in from his seat. "You've made your case." He acknowledged, but his mind was still made. "We're gonna fight Moebius." Takemichi's eyes became wide as Meiko cautiously looked towards Mikey as he continued to address the boy. "You don't understand anything." His eyes were firm and set, shadowed by his hair as he stared the Hanagaki siblings down. "Once I've made up my mind that Toman and Moebius are gonna fight, it's gonna happen." He coldly stated, Takemichi slowly beginning to feel the strength in his legs fade away in shock as he collapsed to his knees.

Meiko frowned at Mikey's words, "Really."

Mikey met her gaze steady, "Yeah."

'Damn it.' She thought, noting how her brother shook on the ground, "Even with this new info?" She asked as Mikey narrowed his eyes at her bold challenge of his authority and ruling.

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