Imagine him teaching you archery

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You woke up early. The sun shined directly to your face. You jumped off your bed, went to your closet and put on a green tunic and leggings. You picked up your bow and arrows and headed outside. You knew Legolas was waiting for you.
The air smelled fresh, like forest and mint. It was so aesthetically beautiful everywhere you looked. The other elves looked so peaceful, not a single care in the world. Your beautiful hair flowed in the wind. Then you see Legolas waving at you. You let out a laugh. You missed him, even though he literally dropped you home last night.
You walk towards him, and he started running to your direction. He placed his hands to your waist and picked you up in the air. " I missed you so much!" He said. He puts you down and kisses you on the lips. " Shall we go my lady?"
" Stop being so loud! You know others can't know were together. You're just my teacher remember? And we haven't even supposed to met each other before this!"You smacked him on the shoulder as a joke.
You get to the place where you practice. You take you bow and an arrow. Legolas does too.
" Okay, let's just start off lightly. I want you to hit the target from 50 meters afar."  He says.
" Haha that's a funny joke. I can barely hit it from ten meters! You know I'm not as good as you." You laugh.
" Well that's why I'm your teacher. I'm gonna help you. I'm going to shoot an arrow and I want you to look at my form." Legolas gets ready to shoot.
You look at his perfect body. His shiny long blonde hair, his toned arms and big hands. You couldn't think about anything but just admire his beauty. And then he shoots. Of course in the middle of the target.
You applaud. " Wow! Ok now teach me. I didn't come here just so you could show off your skills."
" Ok ok. So first lets change places. Go where I was. Put your right leg to the front, take your arrow and place it to your bow. Then close your other eye and try to find the target." He then comes closer, behind you and places his hand on your waist and his head on your shoulder. " A bit more to the  left." He whispers. The whisper made you shiver. " Now a bit more to the right. Perfect. Now keep it at that place and release the arrow."
You hit the target. You dropped the bow. It was the first time you perfectly did it. You jumped on to Legolas' arms. It was pure joy.
" Thank you!" You say. You look him in the eyes and then decide to kiss him. You have your hand around his shoulders, his around your waist. " You're welcome."

( just saying if you actually play archery, I'm sorry but it's probably not the right way to shoot an arrow haha. Cos I literally don't have any idea how to actually do it)

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