Imagine him seeing you hurt

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Trigger warnings: mention of blood, getting hurt

During the journey the fellowship has gotten
into a few fights. And Legolas has been weirdly protective over you. He always tells to be very careful and not get yourself killed. He always stays close to you to keep you safe.

It's a misty morning and you're all around the fire. You've gathered up all your stuff ready for another long march. When everyone is ready you leave your camp and start walking out of the forest.
Legolas hears something. Cracking, marching, thumbing. Orcs. You all get your swords, bows, axes and sam defends himself with a pan. "Please stay close to me, I don't trust your fighting skills" Legolas whispers to your ear. "Oh, you really think so?" You pouted, took an arrow from you back and aimed it  directly to an orc killing it instantly. And you continued doing that until you've killed a bunch of orcs, like 40 and reached to your back once more, noticing you didn't have any arrows left. You gulped. You don't know how to handle a sword. 
The orc pack was big, so it was hard to handle them all when there were only ten of you. Aragorn had killed at least 50 of them with his immaculate sword skills. You and Legolas had shot arrow after arrow hitting the spot every time.
The orcs were getting closer where you and Legolas were, and you had to take out your sword. You were usually brave, but now you were almost shaking from the fear. You had a bad feeling about this.
One had sneaked behind you. But with your elf ears you heard it, turned around and sliced his head off. You were impressed you were able to do that.
There was already over ten of them around you. You started panicking. "Legolas, anyone, I need some help here!" You were yelling. You were able to kill a few, until you felt a sharp pain on your leg. And orc had hit you. You fell down on the ground.
Just at the right time Legolas came and killed all the other orcs in a blink of an eye. He saw you crawled up on the ground. He ran to you and took you to his arms. "Y/N what happened, don't tell me that you're hurt." Legolas said and a tear fell from his eye. You looked up to his eyes. " I think I'm injured, Legolas I'm bleeding." Your tunic was coloured red, when it was usually blue.
All the orcs had been killed. Legolas stood up holding you with his strong arms. He ran to Aragorn."You need to help me, Y/N is injured, what can you do?"
Aragorn ran to his backpack. He took out a small pouch and it looked like some kind of dried up herb. Athelas.
As we all know morgul blades are poisonous. The poison will spread from the cut that was made to you, and even an elf can get killed because of it. Athelas can stop it from spreading. Aragorn put you to ground and opens the pouch. He takes a bit of water and makes a paste. He cuts your leggings to reveal the cut. He puts the paste to the cut.
It hurt. Tears were forming up, and you squeezed Legolas' hand. "You're going to be okay" Legolas said.
Time skip ~~~~>
A few days later, after you've been resting for a while, you were fine again. " I glad it doesn't hurt anymore, it was horrible, I really thought I was going to die." You talked to Legolas. "I was so scared for you Y/N, I said I don't trust your fighting skills. You need to be more careful"

You looked in his blue eyes, went closer to him and hugged him. He opened his arms and closed them around you. Around him you felt safe.

Legolas oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ