Chapter 23

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"So this is Puqi Village!" Wwx sounded a little disappointed.

He expected it to be some big village with something special like literally a god lives here. But it looks like nothing more than a ordinary small village with common people doing their daily cores not paying attention to their surroundings.

"Lan Zhan, Let's go around and ask people about the shrine ! "

His disappointed just vanished into the thin air in a second and the excited mood back on.

Lan Wangji just silently followed him like a leech as he always do.

"Tanghulu!! Lan Zhan, I want some tanghulu ~"

He picked up as many as he can in his two hands and his rich leech paid for it.

(*Lan Wangji giving me death glare*
A/N: sorry but not sorry 🤭)

The shopkeeper, " You don't look like from here , Gonzi"

"Yes . We are travellers. Can you tell us some interesting places here we can visit?" Wei Ying was planning to ask him before he already got a chance.

"It's our honor that Gonzi has interest in our village. But our village is really a small one with no places to actually visit. Oh there is one! The shrine!"

"A shrine? It's quite odd that here is a shrine. I didn't mean any offense , I just used to think that shrine are established in some big cities."

"I understand where Gonzi is coming from. We villagers also were shocked when someone built it at first. But a lot of miracles happened here after that. Now we all worship him"

Although wwx is keeping a calmed expression outside, he is screaming inside. [A fanboy~👁️]

"That sounds interesting. It really needs a visit. Can you please show us the way"

"It's my pleasure Gonzi. The shrine is not far from here." Then the old shopkeeper explained the way to them .

"Lan Zhan what do you think of my acting skill? I did a good job there right?"

Wei Ying spoke while eating his tanghulu. He already finished 4 sticks.

"Mn. Wei Ying is good."

"See, although your boyfriend is kind of weak but still strong with mind . You just need to protect me and I will do the talking on behalf of you hehe"  He fed some to Lan Wangji.

"We are here."  Wei Ying stopped as he heard Lan Wangji.

"This is a shrine?! It's doesn't look like anything but a broke shack!! " Wei Ying can't believe his eyes when Lan Wangji showed him a sign. He literally shouted.

"Donation?! What the- I thought gods are born to be rich. Who would have thought that there's a god who is this broke." He felt stares at him and turned to see Lan Wangji looking at him with disapprove.

"I know I shouldn't talk about someone on their back but-"  He got cut of when he heard some voice from inside that shrine.

"Sang Lang , You shouldn't waste money even if you have a lot."

" It's not wasting money if it's for gege" Hua Cheng gave a smile which Xie Lian just can't resist.

"Lan Zhan ! It's them!! I'm sure it's them"  Wei Ying started jumping up and down holding Lan Wangji's hands.

" I belives you." Lan Wangji said a smile looking at his love's eyes which is now glossy with water.

"Let's go inside Lan Zhan."

"Mn"  But he is already inside.

Sang Lang was trying to explain how his gege is important to him, he doesn't mind spending all his money on him untill he heard footsteps behind him. Hua Cheng and Xie lian both turned around . Their eyes went wide to see their unwanted guests.

(A/n :  For those who haven't read heaven's official blessing, Sang Lang and Hua Cheng is same person. )

As expected of our Wei Wuxian.  He went straight to them and spoke like he knew them all his life.

" Helloooooo!!!!! Nice to meet you!!" He said jumping in excitement.

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng was still so puzzled that they kept looking at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji again and again. They never expected them to be here.

Wei Ying spoke again, " I admit that we came out of notice but still won't you invite us inside? I'm hurt!" He pouted as he wiped a fake tear.

Just then Xie Lian snapped out of it. Although he can't figure out the situation he smiled,

"Oh I apologize . Please come inside. Sorry but we never had guests so we don't have anything prepared for you. You sit here."  She said as he walked inside with Hua Cheng and other two following behind.

As wwx already met the persons he wished to meet , he doesn't care about the surroundings anymore. He is even okay with a broken shack.

The place Xie Lian showed them to sit is the only thing in the room they can sit on. A old mattress. He was wondering if he and Lan Zhan sit there where will the other two sit. It's disrespectful if they stand while they are sitting.

But he saw astonished as Hua Cheng brought out another small mattress out of nowhere. 'is he Jin Guangyao? Taking out thing from the air!' he can't help but think.

Since his worry is gone, he sat on the mattress as his comfort and pat beside him telling Lan Wangji to sit.

Xie Lian chuckled at Wei Ying's childishness which he is well aware of. Hua Cheng tried to hide his smile with his stern face.

" since we already settled down ,may I ask what do these two Gonzi wants from us?" Xie Lian doesn't know why they are here. If they knows the truth or not. So he decided to hide it for now.

"Well, We are here for some business. But right now I am having a more important problem. And only you two can help me with it. "

Hua Cheng frowned while Xie Lian was concerned what happened again. Even Lan Wangji is worried about what suddenly happened to his Wei Ying.

Xie Lian spoke after sharing a glance with Hua Cheng, " What is it that bothering you and only we can help you with? "

Wei Wuxian took a deep breath like he is going to confess a big thing right now, " So the thing is........"

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