Chapter 10 : Truth

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Wei Ying walking inside Jingshi back and forth still can't think of any plan. Lan Wangji entered the room and saw him with a frown.

"Wei Ying"

Wei Ying jumped with the sudden voice and nervously gave a smile.

"Hehe gege, you are back."

"Mn" still with frown. He didn't get the answer he wanted.

"Um, gege do you need something?"

Isn't that what I should ask you? Lan Zhan thought in his mind but said,

" No"

" Oh okay. Aiya~ gege I'm hungry" he said with a pout.

Lan Wangji Left the room and come with some food. He put the food tray in front of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying , " woah... gege is the best" He jumped on the food and started eating liking he was starving for months.

Lan Zhan, " Do you think that there's something wrong with Jin Guangyao's cleansing?"

Wei Ying said with food in his mouth " Obviously there is. I never liked that Meng Yao from the start. He pretends like a gentle man. Who knows what he is planning inside."

"Mn" Lan Zhan agreed with him.

Suddenly Wei Ying felt something is wrong. He eyes went wide.

"Y-you !! l-lan Zhan?!" He was shocked.

Lan Zhan looked at him emotionlessly. Like he don't understand what Wei Ying meant .

"H-how ? Like how do you know it's me?"

"Know Wei Ying well" lan Zhan said proudly.

"Since when?" He still can't believe Lan Zhan recognized him.

"From the first"

"Okay now this is absolutely unbelievable. How can you tell it's me? You never saw me when I was a child?! "

" Did . Give Wei Ying toy. You forgot. " Lan Zhan replied.

" What? What toy? " Wei asked confused." Wait, that white clothed boy who gave me a rattle-drum was you?! You still remember that? " Now his eyes can't be wider anymore.

Lan Zhan didn't reply his question instead said,

" Do you want to go to Qinghe?"

"Can I?!" He asked excitedly. " Will Zewu-jun agree?"

" Brother knows it's you," Lan said calm.

" Ah Lan Zhan~ Don't you think I am shocked enough for today!! Don't torture this little handsome guy anymore" he whined.

Suddenly Lan Zhan hugged Wei Ying. After overcoming the shock of getting hugged out of nowhere Wei Ying hugged him back.

" I'm sorry Lan Zhan. I'm really sorry. You did so much for me. And I just hurt you. I don't deserve this. I really-"Lan Zhan didn't let him finish.

" Not Wei Ying's fault"

" It is my fault.If I didn't use resentful energy then none of these would have happened." Wei Ying said with tears.

" You didn't have any choice." Lan Zhan

" No I-" " Wen Ning told me,I know everything" Lan Zhan cut him off again.

" What ! you know?! I told Wen Ning thousand times not to tell anyone" He sighed. " Wait... Wen Ning is alive?! How is that possible! "

" They didn't kill him. They hide him somewhere to use for their purpose. After he gained consciousness ,he met me. Helped me to find Wei Ying." Lan Zhan explained.

This maybe the longest Wei Ying heard him to talk." Oh..I need to meet him then. I should scold him for telling you the truth" he huffed.

"Uh.. no I mean, you know Jiang cheng's dream was to be a cultivator since he was small and he is a sect leader . His golden core was important to him.. that's why I - umm you know what it is right" he gave a small smile.

" Wei Ying is more important. Wei Ying was awake for the whole process. It must be painful." Lan Zhan said with soft eyes. There was pain in his eyes.

Wei Ying was speechless seeing Lan Zhan expressing his feelings directly. He knows that Lan Zhan loves him but he was not used to it. He was so touched.

He hugged Lan Zhan again grabbing his robes tight. He was overwhelmed with so many emotions right now.

"Lan Zhan"


"Lan Wangji"



"Mn" lan Zhan's ears turned red.

"Zhanzhan gege"


"Thank you so much. Really really really thanks."

"There's no need for thanks and sorry between us." Lan Zhan said with a soft voice.

Wei Ying hummed.He broke the hug and look straight into Lan Zhan's eyes.He cupped Lan Zhan's face with his tiny hands and quickly gave him a small peck on his lips then ran to bed. He laid down and pretend to sleep.

Lan Zhan was stiffed in his spot. "No stop Lan Wangji ! What are you thinking! He is only four!! You have to wait until he returns to his original body. But when is that?!" He whined in his mind and then he also went to sleep.


End of chapter 10

I don't know how it is going 😅😅 I'm just writing whatever coming to my mind

So I want a suggestion... I wrote a story but I don't know how to publish it. Like it is too long for a oneshot and too short for dividing it into chapters. So should I publish it like oneshot or chapters?? 😐😐

Baby Wei Ying?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant