Chapter 13

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After those letters Huisang gave them, both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying was fuming in anger. Lan Xichen was just out of the universe.

He can't believe the person he believed the most, have him his brother's respect , taught him the secret music of their sect violating the rules, actually is the main culprit.

He is now using those musics to kill their another sworn brother. It also makes him indirectly involved in this .

Lan Zhan noticed his brother's face . He put his hand on his brother's hand gently holding ,

"Not Xionzhang's fault"

Lan Xichen just stared at his brother with pain in his eyes.

While Wei Ying went to bring Huisang , Lan Zhan brought his brother and told him everything.

Seeing the elder of twin jades in this state Wei Ying  also felt the pain. Who can understand  the feeling of being betrayed by your close person  better than him.

Suddenly it clicked his mind. He forgot to tell them what he saw a while ago.

"Lan Zhan"

Lan Wangji drifted his attention towards him.

" I ...  when I was going to huisang's room I saw Jin Guangyao talking to someone about something to be done."

Hearing him Zewu-jun got him together . He won't let anyone took chance of his trust again. He needs to be mentally strong now.

Wei Ying continued, "  he was saying that they were going to kill chifeng-jun as soon as  possible. Since we are here he couldn't do it. But now it looked like he has something else to do so he is going to kill him tomorrow...... "

Huisang became a stone ...  da-ge can't die. He can't die... He have to be alive. He has no one else except him. What will he do without him.

Lan Xichen went to Huisang and hugged him assuring him they won't let him die, they will save him.

When Huisang calmed down a little Wei Ying again said,

" There was something weird..."

Lan Wangji frowned, " What is it?"

"The person... The person who was talking with Jin Guangyao looked like he is working for him for long , they looked so close. But that's not weird. The weird thing is I saw him somewhere before.... After waking up my memory of  become so bad but He looked so familiar....."

Now this is really a important matter. The Wei Wuxian they knows is type of a person who will forget anything or anyone he doesn't want to remember.
Then how he remembers him

They all halted at hearing what he said next,

"I getting a feeling like I saw him in gusu." He looked at the people staring at him.

"Umm.. no offense , but .... I am just saying what I felt. His accent was mix of gusu accent and another I don't know. Oh yeah,  he was wearing a sect leader's cloth which also kind of similar to gusu. "

The lan brother looked at each other. They may be know who wwx is talking about.

The staring contest didn't go unnoticed by our baby yiling louzou. He was waiting for them to say anything but those brother's staring contest didn't end. So he decided to spoke up.

"Do you know him?"

Finally the twin jades gave him some attention and said in unison,

"Su She"

"Su She? You mean the one who defected to build his own sect....hmm he perfectly matches to the description." Huisang nodded understanding.

But our baby is confused. What the are they talking about.

"Wait wait wait wait wait.... Who is this Su She? What own sect? How is that relevant to this?"

Lan Zhan can't help but awes . His baby looks so cute being confused. He spoke,

" Su She was a guest disciple  of gusu lan sect. Two years ago he defected from the sect and build his own Sect. Their clothes, rules, cultivation trainings are so similar to us. They even plays guqin like us. "

Wei Ying now understand. He can clearly see that Lan Zhan is annoyed while talking about him.

After spending almost 24 hours with Lan Zhan , he now can read his expressionless face.

On the other hand, Huisang just opening and closing his mouth like a mind. Lan Xichen is also shocked.

The never saw Lan Zhan talking this much in one go. Being his brother , he talks to him but always in small words.

Looks like Wei Ying effect is really powerful than they thought. Lan Xichen and Nie Huisang despite the situation can't help but ship them in mind.

"Now that explains why he looked similar to the Lans. But how.....well forget him. Let's focus on Jin Guangyao."

They all agreed. After so many discussions they come to a conclusion that they will keep an eye on him for now.

First of all they don't know when he will take action. Moreover they needs srong prove. Jin Guangyao is certainly so smart to not get caught all these years. They have to be careful.

After agreeing they went to their own rooms . Preparing themselves for the next day.

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