Chapter 19

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Wei Ying opened his eyes. He felt a sharp pain in his head.

Ugh! Where am I ? This place looks familiar.... Jingshi?

He tried to sit up but couldn't. He found that he is back to his original body. Maybe bcz he was small for a long time that he is having a hard time  adjusting to his big body. But he is still happy .

Only then he realized that he is not alone. There is someone beside him. He already knows who is it by the familiar smell.

It must be not five yet that Lan Zhan is still sleeping. He slowly laid on his side getting closer to the older man.

He looked at him with so much love in his eyes. A smile formed in his lips.

How can be someone this good looking while sleeping!! That's not fair Lan Zhan , you should give others chance to look good too!!

He couldn't resist the urge of touching the cheeks of the handsome man in front of him. It hasn't been a second his palm landed on the cheeks , a hand  came out of nowhere and held his wrist.

Eyes shot opened of the owner. Wei Ying was startled at the sudden action. But seeing Lan Zhan awake,  he gave him a bright smile to reassure him. It's him.


Lan Wangji felt  a cold touch on his skill which woke him up. He quickly grabbed the hand and opened his eyes only to meet with a pair of silver eyes which he have been waiting for long to see.

He loosen the grip as his eyes becoming glossy with water. Those eyes, that smile.. how much he missed them.

Wei Ying wiped those tears from his Lan Zhan's eyes while he was also tearing up.

They stared at each other drowning deep in the eyes. The distance between them slowly getting short.

Lan Zhan looked at those plumpy lips
and leans forward to kiss him. His lips brushed the other's softly, delicately, feeling the warmth of his skin.  It's warm, and not quite dry. It lasts an eternal four heart beats, then  Lan Zhan pulls back since Wei Ying didn't kiss him back.

The entire time,  Wei Ying's heart was racing, his palms were sweaty, every single one of those books he had borrowed from Huisang  hit him all at once.  He didn’t know what to do, how to react. Reading it and experiencing it are totally different things.

Before he could react Lan Zhan pulled back. He was really disappointment. This time he took the initiative. He leaned in to kiss Lan Zhan again. He wrapped his arms around  Lwj and opened his mouth slightly to breathe in, and unintentionally sucked lwj’s lip between his own. He ran his hands through the other’s hair, combing easily through the greasy locks.

He hesitantly dipped his tongue past lwj’s slack lips, and lwj shoved back, just as devoid of skill and desperate as wwx. Wwx slipped one of his hands up to rest on the warm skin of lwj’s stomach beneath his robes and felt him shivering. 

He smirked and pulled back with a wet noise that sounded right. It sounded like the noise a good kiss should make when broken. Lwj's heart skipped a beat hearing the sound.

As wwx broke away from lwj’s lips , lwj started to kiss his chin, then down to his neck. Turning it into a whole make out session. They are so close to lose their precious virginity , at that moment someone knocked at the door .

They both pulled back with a disappointment but lwj's disappointed was obvious bcz he made a pout hugging his Wei Ying not want to let go.

Wei Ying can't help but chuckled at the cuteness. He stroked lwj's hair gently comforting him that they can continue later. Lan Wangji looked up at him for sometime then reluctantly got up.

They both fixed their messy clothes , prepared to go outside. Lan Wangji opened the door and saw his brother patiently waiting for him outside.


"Wangji . I wanted to talk to you about Wei gonzi's recov-"

Only then he saw a figure coming towards them from inside the room. His eyes went wide. Wei Wuxian gave him his usual smile,


"Wei Gonzi!! You are awake. How are you feeling?"

" I'm good now , Zewu-jun. Thanks for the worry. Sorry,  I troubled you all a lot."

" No no. What are you saying ? It was no trouble. And I told you to call me Xichen- ge. You are now one of our family. "

Wei Wuxian grinned. It's been long he felt the warmth of a family. Although they all loved him when turned into a baby but that was bcz they didn't know it was him. Now they considers him family as he is.

"I also told you to call me A- Xian Xichen ge." Lan Xichen nodded with a smile.

"Senior Wei!!!"

Jingyi shouted while running towards him. Sizhui only walked fast behind him . They both jumped on Wei Ying making him almost fall.

"Hey hey hey !! Are you trying to kill me? Let me breath you know!!!" He said while squeezing between them.

Lan Xichen just watched them with a smile while Lan Wangji sulking secretly. Wei Ying is only his . Only he can hug him. ( Possessive 👀)

"Oh sorry!" They apologized together.

"Hahaha , never mind." Wei Ying said patting their head .

"Running and shouting is prohibited in cloud recesses. Jingyi, copy the rules 5 times." Lan Zhan said with a stern voice.

" O-okay hanguan-jun. " Jingyi said lowering his head. Then he left . Lan Sizhui also followed him behind.

" How about some tea in my room? " Lan Xichen suggested.

Then they all went to Hanshi. Lan Xichen was serving them tea when he noticed that wwx's mind is out of the world. Lan Wangji noticed that too.

Lwj put his hand on wwx's hand called him in a soft voice,

"Wei Ying"

"Huh?" Wei Ying snapped out of his thoughts and meet with two paired of concerned eyes .

" A-Xian, is there something bothering you?"  Lan Xichen asked concern is clear in his voice.

Watching them care about him this much he decided to tell them about his dream.

" I...before I woke up I had a weird dream....but it felt so real."

Lan Wangji, " What dream?"

" It's about that day , burial mounds seize. A man was coming towards me after you left. I could barely open my eyes so I couldn't see his face. The again I saw that I was in a room with that same man . But this time there was another person with him. I couldn't see their face this time too it was blurry. But I remember their clothings."

He then described them in details about his dream. Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen both felt like he heard it somewhere before .  Wwx also felt the same. But none of them could remember.

Lan Xichen, " I think I know who can help you with this A-Xian."

"Who?"  He looked at lxc then lwj. Suddenly he realized whom they are talking about.

" Then when should we go meet him? "

" We don't need to , he is coming here today. " Lwj replied.

" Then it's good. But....."

" But what?" Lan Xichen asked confused.

" But..... I'm hungry~~~" wwx whined with a pout.

Lan Xichen started laughing behind his sleeves. Don't want to earn glare from his over possessive brother for laughing at his soon to be wife.

"I told the disples to bring your food in Jingshi. " Lan Wangji said calmly when his heart is actually went wild at his love's cuteness.

" Let's go to Jingshi then. Byebye Xichen ge. " Wwx ran out of the room. Everyone knows that It's not unusual for him to break the rules .


It was so hard for the poor single me to write a kissing scene for the first time 😭😭 let's clap for my efforts

Baby Wei Ying?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ