Stressed, depressed and a little bit obsessed

Start from the beginning

The class ended and I sprinted out of the classroom so fast I nearly hit the girl in front of me. but I didn't care. I haven't checked my phone in two hours. As I approached my busted locker, I manically searched for my phone before dumping my bag. Finally. I  know what you are thinking, what a pathetic girl, but, I just needed to check if he posted something new. If he was with somebody new. If he forgot about me. He kept posting stories and pics, but never any response. It was not like him to just dispose of people. A new story glowed on my screen, a tiny circle, a window into his world. Today's special was a vid of his silver chrome Audi on the driveway. Classic. The bitch loved that car more than he loved anything else in the world. He was so proud that he bought it with his own money. He promised to teach me how to drive once. My leg was twitching as I checked his recent posts. There was a picture of him with some girl. My heart sunk as I repeated that thought -there was a picture of him with some girl. Stop. Let's analyze. -She was beautiful, her nose was perky and her eyes slightly foxy, altho she had a square face it fit her nicely. She sported a smile, not modelesque but genuine. She was leaning over the table. They were in some bar and he had his arm around her shoulders, two drinks in front of them. She was pretty and he was a cold-hearted snake for doing this to me. Two months in and he already found a new girlfriend!? Well, I hope this one is more obedient...What the hell am I saying? What the hell am I thinking? There must be something seriously wrong with me. I felt a pang of guilt as I exited the app. Maybe they are just friends or cousins, or acquaintances. The truth is seeing my screensaver and seeing that picture was like looking at two different people entirely. Two different worlds. On my phone, he was smiling, warm, and welcoming. In his signature pastel jacket. In that photo he was cold and distant, his eyes icy and his gaze dark. Black. His smile looked evil, menacing. They say it's all about perspective.

They also say time flies when you're having fun, but I say it passes faster when you're miserable. This is why I haven't noticed that O'Neill and his buddies were making rounds down the corridor for torture hour. Damn it. I moved to get out of sight but judging by the now rising sound of voices behind me they spotted me. Shit.  See what I mean when I say salt on the wound? They have the worst timing. I was already miserable enough, I was not prepared for whatever persecution they had planned for me. So when they circled me I tried to walk past them, but hopeless, because O'Neill just stood there like a rock. A vicious grin plastered upon his shitty face. He pushed me back and I had no other option but to fall back and endure the suffering. With a little luck, this will all be over soon. If Michael was here and we were still together he would show these assholes not to mess with me. He always talked about protecting me and how he would destroy anyone who would try to harm me. In his defense, he was true to his word. At my previous school some dipshits thought just because I was small and friendly I'd be an easy target. He showed them not to mess with me ever again. Both of them showed up wearing bruises to school the next day, apology lunch at hand. They never spoke of it again, and Michael never told me what he did to them. I reckon it was pretty brutal since they trembled every time they saw me and ran in the other direction. But now as O'Neal was emptying my bag I felt a pang in my heart. I was alone. It was the first time it truly hit me. I never had a problem with bullies in the past. I was not told I was ugly or undesirable, hassled or threatened, and those two back then were just an exception, some transfer students who wanted to create a little bit of chaos. It's just that ever since I moved here everyone acts as if I have a plague. And yes the people in this town have some good ass genes but that's not an excuse to slander me about how I looked all the time. Or what I wore. Or what I've done. Or generally just for breathing the same air as them. In high school movies, you move into a new town and everybody wants to be your friend. All the guys love you and all the girls wanna be you. Let me tell you something- those high school movies were total bullshit. 

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