| day and night |

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Through the window frame
in the honeyed light of the evening
I see the grass
blossoming with daisies
of pure sunlight.
A chorus of green leaves in my yard
in the warm, celebratory wind
As the sunset comes in its boldest blaze
melts my sorrows
bringing an ear-to-ear smile on my face.
Before I know it
the orange-gold that stretched far and wide
transforms the sky with tiny white dots
as the night smooths colour
into the deepest parts of the ocean
where no light reaches.
I press my hands against the
glass panes in my bedroom
and stare at the
blessed velvet dark of the starry night
where a promise lies
that even when our hearts
yearn for the sun's light
the light of the stars
will always bring the hope of dawn.

Midnight Garden of WordsWhere stories live. Discover now