| sinking |

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Do you ever get that feeling in your stomach

where everything is sinking?

your heart

your body


It's like you've fallen off of something

and then you're drowning

as the light above slowly fades away.

You're still drowning

the sinking won't stop

but you're not in water.

What even is this?

Everything feels terrible.

Everything hurts.

your mind is racing a hundred miles per minute

asking questions that all begin with


A sense of dread knots in your stomach

and then it twists and turns

until all you want to do is


You feel as if today wasn't enough

everything feels wrong.

As the day passes by faster than the blink of an eye

the nights are simply



and long.

Tomorrow isn't going to be any better

but today wasn't any worse.

Why is it so confusing?

Why does this even exist?

Why can't this night just end?

Fear gnaws inside you

there is still tomorrow.

Suddenly it's all a big loop.

Suddenly you're sinking all over again

and you can't seem to find your way

back to the surface.

Midnight Garden of WordsWhere stories live. Discover now