46 📞 perfectly not miserable anymore

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Ugh, so close!", Y/N grunted in disappointment.

Marshmallow fell out of Sunghoon's mouth as he erupted into laughter, ruining the progress they'd made.

They were seeing how many marshmallows in his mouth. They didn't get too many in, but it was still funny as hell.

The look on his face sent Y/N flying. She hadn't laughed that hard in.. She don't even know how long.

They had gone onto the beach - luckily Jay had brought blankets who are now grilling barbeques with Ni-ki on the cottage.

So they were just laying down in the sand together as the other members played around in the water with some of the girls.

"Okay wait, sorry to abruptly ask this", Y/N began. Sunghoon looked up at her from lying down, "Why you and your friends seems to find your girlfriends in a wrong number? It seems like there's something behind it", she asked.

Something flashed across his eyes.

"That's story for another time", he said, a distant smile in his face, "Let's just say it all started with Jake flirting right away to Ming Xiao when they first talked to each other"

"Wow.. The fact that I can still see now the way he's so infatuated with her every time he looks at her, I can tell that it really worked for the better.. But what about us?", she said to him.

Sunghoon scanned over her face - a strong emotion present in his eyes. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

"I love you", he said with so much intent it radiated through her, pumping through her veins.

Y/N reached up and put her hand on the side of his face, kissing him with the most passion she think she ever have before.

Everything she was or wasn't feeling, all of it went into this kiss. She felt like a thousand watts of energy all shooting out of her at once.

She kissed him like he was the air she needed to breathe, because he is.

The heavy weight from before suddenly felt a shit ton lighter - not because it was gone, but it felt like Sunghoon was carrying it with her.

Whatever the exact opposite of alone felt like - that's what was flowing through Y/N, nearly bringing her to tears. She pulled away, immediately seeing his heartwarming smile.

"Awhile ago, before I received that call from you", she began, not letting herself choke up, "I didn't see the point of life. I didn't see how could there be light at the end of the tunnel. I didn't want to die, but I was blinded so much by my will to not exist that I thought it was an option"

"Thinking about it now makes me feel sick", she looked into Sunghoon's eyes so deep, she thought she might never get out of them, "You saved me, Sunghoon"

She could tell he was rendered speechless. He pulled her into a strong embrace.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me", he brought her down with him and fell into the blanket, laying down together.

"We do have a lot to learn about each other, don't we?", she asked.

"Yeah, but we all have the time in the world to do so", Sunghoon told her, smiling against her hair.

The wind across Y/N's face did feel refreshing this time. She felt the life being sucked into her with each passing second in his protective embrace.

It was true. She hadn't seen light at the end of the tunnel. Actually, in her opinion, the light at the end is referring to whatever comes after life.

Sunghoon wasn't the light at the end, but rather a door in the middle.

In the middle of the dark, gloomy life she called hers, he was a door that unexpectedly appeared with that wrong phone call. Y/N could have never seen it coming.

She thought she had it all figure out - that hope was terrible and naive - that life was just a serious of tragedies bound together by random, deceiving spurts of happiness. But she was wrong.

The hole in her heart that she had been feeling since her Aunt abandons her to fend for herself. But she could live with a hole in her heart, knowing that any given moment the most unexpected thing could fill it.

Life does suck. It is unfair. But it's beautiful nonetheless. Without it, she wouldn't have met the most beautiful guy in her side right now.

He was right. Hugs do feel so much better from someone who knows what it's like to need them, and they both need them.

Y/N smiled to herself as they laid there, she and him. Their own moment in the universe.

Anything life threw at her, she knew she would have him. And that right there filled any emptiness in her.

Months ago, she felt more alone than she ever had before. But now she was a new person entirely.

She's no longer miserable.

She no longer devoted herself to an unknown notion beyond herself.

She doesn't know what the hell the future would bring, but that's the beauty of it all, she'd guess.

She looked up at Sunghoon one more time before slipping into a comfortable sleep in his arms.

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن