23 📞 perfectly a good friend

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Bold - Minji

Italic - You

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"So what's the deal between you and the phone boy?"

"I don't know. We're friends, why?"

"Woah, really? Who would've believe that? It's not like you talk to each other every single day!"

"I've known him for a couple of weeks. I've never even met him but I already care about him, so much. Shouldn't I be freaked out?"

"Y/N, you've always really had a good instinct about people! Remember when you said you didn't trust that cute lady that moved downstairs, and then a few weeks later she got arrested by selling drugs? Or when you befriended that awkward lanky but still amazing girl at school? Humble-brag, but she turned out to be pretty cool, because I am"

"But befriending that loud girl was one of the easiest choices I've ever made"

"All I'm saying is if that's how you feel, then trust it and if he ends up being better than you think, then at least I can make fun of you forever"

"You're the best, Minji"

"I know"

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now