"I think I'm very good at talking to people and don't touch my hair," I sneer at him, bringing my hands up to my hair and brushing it out.

"So why'd you bring all of us to get cookie ingredients?" Seth grabs his phone from his pocket as he talks.

"Zeke said I'll get myself killed because last night I threatened I'll jump off a bridge,"

"Can I go with you?" Tobias grins so wide, I get concerned.

"Are you okay, honey?" I ask, patting his shoulder gently.

He rolls his eyes and pushes me away blandly. "Zeke should be more concerned about the stripper guy," he says playfully.

"The guy who works at the club?" Elijah asks.

"Oh my God! You know him?" I gasp looking around in total and absolute shock.

"Yeah, I hooked up with his sister once,"

"Me too," Lyndon adds, earning gasps from all of us. And slaps. Did he forget we know he has a crush on Soph and she has a thing for him? I'm about to kick his butt.

"Are you cheating on Soph!"


"Oh gosh, he is!" Tobias says in a girl's voice and flicked his wrist.

Flickery frick, flick.

Lyndon holds his heart dramatically, "you think so low of me guys, I'm incredibly hurt,"

"Sorry," Lucas smacks his head, nearly dropping the bag filled with everything me and Zeke are going to use.

"Drop that and I'll send you to Barack Obama with my foot." I glare at him.

"Drop it." Seth puts his foot out so Lucas could trip, but that doesn't go as planned because a child walks past him.

"Oh, shit,"

"Shit," Lyndon drawls.

"Just walk and pretend you didn't see him," Tobias says calmly as we hear the kid start to cry. Oh my God.

"That's so mean, we're going to help him," I stop in my tracks to go help him but he started crying even more when he saw me.

"That hurt my ego," I hold my heart, and bite my lip. I grew a little bit happy when his mum comes to help him.

Well, I hope that's his mum.

What happens if I just witnessed someone getting kidnapped?

"Is that his mum?" I ask Lyndon and he shrugs.

"I don't know, probably,"

"I'll bring all of you guys to court if it isn't and I'll kill Seth for tripping the kid and not apologising,"

"Yeah, Seth," Lyndon mimics.

"Shut up."

"Okay," Lyndon looks at the ground.

"Weirdo alert,"

"Adelia, nobody was talking to you," they all say to me.

"Shut up, remember yall are in the tiny peepee squad so I wouldn't be talking," I scoff. That hurt their feelings.

"Unlike my jingleberr-" I blurt.

"Don't." Lyndon collides his elbow with my stomach softly.

"Why? Jealous?" I raise a brow, tilt my head, and smirk.

They're all very jealous of my large jingleberry. Obviously not Zeke, because duh, his one-

No, I take that back, mine is.

Adelia ✎Where stories live. Discover now