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♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥

I nodded off with an alien.

Kidding, sadly, there aren't any aliens. But I'm so full from all of the food I had at the party that I feel like I did nod off with an alien.

If I knew what that is.

"I need a favour," I put on one of my t-shirts before walking into the bathroom.

"I'm listening," Zeke replies. I love his voice, it's so pretty. Everything about him is.

"I need steroids,"

He nods, "okay, I'll see what I can do,"

I frown, "really?"

"Obviously the fuck not,"

"Cool cool cool," I look at myself in the mirror and exhale really loud. When he doesn't say or do anything, I sigh dramatically and slap my arms against my sides.

He looks at me then looks away smiling.

"You're supposed to ask if I'm okay," I glare at him through the mirror.

"I'm aware of that," he gives me a pointed look.

"So why aren't you?"

"Because that's what you want me to do,"

I roll my eyes. "This is why Milo is better than you,"

"I'll find his real family just for you darling,"

"You're so sweet," I smile, "and so committed. If anybody knew how much you hate Milo, they probably thought you finding him his family was doing him a favour,"

"Yeah yeah, I'm doing myself a favour. Do you have work again tomorrow?"

"Yep, I also get my paycheck. I'm kind of excited," I say happily.


"Because I want to buy this thing," I don't know what I'm buying. But I want to spend it.

"What's the thing?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"A thing that's a thing," I meet his confused gaze and roll my eyes at him.

He's a weirdo.

"You confuse me," he confesses and looks away.

"You're just unintelligent," I sigh, "Did you know my birthday is next week?"

"Yes I did,"

I gasp, "Uh-oh, how? I never told you? Were you my once-upon-a-time potential murderer?"

He gasps mockingly, "Uh-oh, busted,"

I kick his leg, "Were you actually? If so, that's okay. I'm into getting killed you know?"

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