So far but so close

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We are friends. But ever since exile. I have not talked to him, the once love of my life. But hes with Tubbo so i have no chance and i dont think i will ever have another. He would always come visit me in exile when nobody else did. he was the only one that cared for me along with ghostbur. Im surprised Dream let him come visit me. Tubbo is a traitor, he exiled me, i thought we were best friends but i guess i was wrong. He didnt even apologize to me nor come visit me. Im happy for Tubbo though, he got himself a wonderful husband. If only i was him. I would have done anything for that man. Even if its giving up the disks. Ranboo is worth everything i will ever have.

My death is a very touchy subject to me. Tubbo didnt even care tho. Does he not like me anymore i mean i have done so many horrible things but so has he. Me and Ranboo haven't talked yet. Im just to nervous to though. Hes so pretty but he stole my fucking best friend. Every single day ill walk past him or see him, he smiles at me and i just pretend i dont even know hes there, which is pretty hard to do because i still have feelings for him. I hate myself for it. I always have and always will. Nobody cared that i had died except for Ranboo. If im going to be completly be honest I missed when there was nothing but peace. Its been really hard to be calm and not just leave this place. What makes it worse is that i have nobody to talk to everybody hates me or thinks im still dead. Im like a ghost to everybody, yes i dead but im alive. Why can nobody see that. Its getting frustrating. I want to try to talk to Tubbo but i dont know where he has been. Its kind of like he just disappeared. And i haven't  seen Ranboo much either. but its none of my  business unless it has something to do with me. I will never know because nobody knows I'm alive. 

The allium flower that Ranboo gave me when we first met. I still have it but its dead now. I mean it two years old so its not my fault. I still have everything Ranboo has ever gave me which is a lot.

I heard a knock on my door. Ha, who the fuck would want to talk to me. I guess i should open the door.

"TOMMY!" Ranboo yelled.

Wait why would Ranboo be here and its fuck 1 AM. Hm..

"Tommy? Are you ok?" Ranboo questioned. Shit i had zoned out.

"Heh, sorry Ranboob i zoned out" I said

"Its fine, and Tommy if you have forgotten my name is Ranboo not Ranboob" Ranboo corrected.

"Are you sure because last time i checked it was Ranboob"  I laughed.

He just smiled. His smile was just so..perfect. I couldnt describe it.

"So why did you come visit me boob boy?" I asked.

He just stared at me which made me a bit uncomfortable.

"uhm" I choked out.


"heh, its fine, but again, why did you come visit me?" I asked again.

"I just wanted to see how you were and what you were u-" He was cut of by his phone ringing.

"im gonna go take this, sorry toms" he apologized.

I shock my head and he walked away. I shut my door. I wonder who was calling him and why did  he come at 1 AM. Who am i kidding Tubbo probably called him. I mean he is his husband after all. He knocked on my door again and looked scared. Then he mumbled he has to go and kept looking around.

Every time. Every time. Every Fucking time i get to talk to him it always ends up only being 5 muintes. Yes its better then nothing but I just never want him to leave me.

Hes always So Far But So Close.



I WROTE THIS ALL ON MY COMPUTER. im actually kinda proud of myself lmao

hope you enjoy


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