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Around midday, Camilo walked to the nursery, which was currently being occupied by Mirabel and Bruno while Luisa tried to fix the bridge to his cave. Camilo was pretty sure Antonio had gotten a wandering albatross to carry her around, though how he found a wandering albatross, Camilo had no idea. *

Finally making it to the nursery past Isabela and Mirabel plotting(Camilo heard something about Dolores and Mariano in there), Camilo knocked on the door

"Come in" Came Bruno's muffled voice

Camilo walked into the room and froze.

Bruno was wearing... Something blue?

"Tio..." Camilo trailed off

"Yeah" Bruno still wasn't facing him

"Not to be weird, but what's with the sudden color scheme change?" Camilo asked gently

"I-" Bruno still refused to face him, but Camilo could tell Bruno wasn't actually doing anything on the vanity

"Tio, what's wrong" Slowly walking toward his uncle, Camilo placed a tentative hand on his uncle's wrist. Almost as if in slow motion, a tear dropped onto the vanity's surface. All at once, Camilo understood. "

Tio, you know you don't have to change for us. We're past that now"

"But I wasn't-" Bruno couldn't finish the sentence

"Tio Bruno" Finally, Bruno turned to face his nephew

"If we get stuck on what we hadn't done, we would never be able to move on," Camilo said, guiding Bruno to the bed. "If Luisa had told someone, we could have helped her not feel so stressed. If Isabella had refused, we wouldn't have had the weird love triangle with Mariano. If Abuela hadn't been so traumatized by Abuelo's death, she wouldn't have been so desperate not to lose something else"

Bruno looked away from his nephew, ashamed at his tears.

"Tio, look at me," Camilo could see the tears streaming down his uncle's face. "We have to let the past go. If we don't, we can't heal from this whole situation" Bruno could see the sincerity in his nephew's eyes

"Okay?" Camilo asked gently

"Okay" Bruno whispered softly

Camilo flashed him a grin. "Now, do you want to wreak some havoc"

Bruno smiled. "Obviously"

*(fun fact, a wandering albatross is the biggest flying creature that currently exists)

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