"I'll ask him." Virgil said quickly while sleep finally overcome Patton's endless questions. Before Patton fell asleep completely though the therapist knew there was one thing to say. "But he wasn't angry at you. No-one is angry at you for anything you've done."

Patton sleepily nodded before beginning to snore. Patton's mother must miss him too – he was the cutest and most affectionate little boy that you couldn't help but love. The more time Virgil spent with the little boy the more he considered adoption, if not adopting Patton he'd love to adopt another kid in need of a home or a family.

But Logan didn't want that. Whenever anyone complimented Patton on anything Logan would make sure the person knew that the toddler was just a 'foster kid'. It must hurt Patton – and it hurt Virgil too. Now he had an idea of what being a father was like he really wanted it with the person he adored to the world and back.

Logan looked so happy being away from Patton. He was sat opposite his brother, sipping a glass of red wine and finishing an entire jar of Crofters jam with Roman – not surprising honestly. "Hey babe..." Virgil whispered, wrapping an arm around his husband's waist and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Do you really need to eat all that?" He giggled and wiped the edge of his husband's lips before giving him a kiss.

"Ew bro you're so gross!" Roman screamed, throwing a spoon at his older brother that hit his temple. Logan only rolled his eyes and finished his mouthful. "I swear you two need to get a room."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "We have a room – we have many in fact."

"You know what I mean."

Virgil collected the plates from dinner while the two brothers chatted some more and shared jokes and taunts, going to the kitchen to wash them. It was nice to hear the two men laughing in the background – Logan didn't laugh so loud that often unless they were alone. The man looked so relaxed and happy even though he before looked stressed taking care of Patton when Virgil returned from work.

Was it worth rubbing that smile off his husband's face by asking about what Patton said? No, it wasn't. Probably Patton was just a nervous toddler and Logan was just tired or something. Now that Patton was in bed it was Virgil's time to focus on his husband and give him as many kisses and cuddles as Roman will allow. But then Roman will have to head home and he can spend the entire night feeling like the luckiest man in the world under Logan's touches.


Another day of work, another triple dozen emails to search through. At least the office was quieter than his house had become now he had a toddler. There was the low sound of casual chatter between desks and the printer or scanner moaning every few minutes but it was the kind of environment Logan loved to be in. But like all good things the businessman couldn't make peace for long.

"Hey Lo, I need your help." Janus said lowly in the whisper like everyone else. They seemed more concerned than usual but that might have been because of the extra stress seeming it was near a very important meeting. Logan nodded softly and smiled. "Remus seems a bit – off. I can't find out why but you seem to have a special bond with him, can you ask him what's up?"

The offices did seem a little too quiet, Logan just assumed the new graduate had taken the day off work. He nodded anyway and stood, following his friend, and Janus kept on chatting about how Remus had been quiet and on his phone all day – ignoring his duties. It was nice to see them actually care about the young man that Logan felt a mentorship over since he was hired.

Janus pointed to the corner of the room where a desk was covered in punk posters from head to toe (no idea how Remus managed to ever do work on it, but he did). On a swivel chair nearby Remus was looking down at his iPhone and was typing something with no expression on his face. "Hey Remus, are you alright?" Logan spoke gently and knelt to his co-worker who only looked at him and then back at his phone. "You know what work you have to do today?"

"Uh... Emails." He responded absentmindedly, looking at his computers where several unopened emails lay – although he seemed to have no intention of going to sort it. His voice was softer this time than all the times before and he looked lost in the eyes. "Sorry Logan, I'm a little distracted today."

Logan nodded slowly, standing up straight again before his knees hurt. "That's alright, do you need help answering some? You really should get something done before we have to get HR involved."

Remus placed his phone down and shook his head, dragging himself to his desk and opening the first email of the power. Logan stayed close in case his friend needed help again as he still had that lost look in his eyes. After a few minutes Remus' phone vibrated and he immediately picked it up again. As soon as he saw Logan was behind him he flinched and apologised. "Sorry L, it's..." He looked at his phone sadly. "It's my little sister. She's trying to escape a bad relationship."

There was never a mention of a sister from Remus' mouth before. Knowing Remus' age this sister possibly was still a high schooler and still at home, or maybe college aged – but that didn't affect how traumatic this whole situation was for her and her close family. Logan could only give a small nod before Remus continued his work, typing an email quickly to the head of marketing. He understood what it was like being a protective big brother so unlike a lot of people he'd accept this anxious behaviour distracting the young man from work. The businessman was about to step away but Remus seemed to want to talk about his personal life some more and that was healthy.

"I haven't seen her in a good couple of years." Remus said softly, looking at his phone again, Logan couldn't help but smile at the care the young man had for his family. "I miss her."

"I'm sure she misses you too – but I don't want you to get in trouble for slacking." Remus chuckled at that, turning his phone around so he wasn't tempted by the screen. It was only then Logan felt like he could walk away from Remus and let him work – but he was stopped yet again.

"Logan?" Remus chirped, sounding a little happier, but he still kept his eyes on his phone. "Uh... My sister needs a suitcase mailed to her house but her partner will get suspicious if it's from her family..." Remus looked down ashamed and sighed. "If I give you the case can you post it to her?"

Logan nodded and smiled softly, stuffing his hands in his blazer pockets. "Of course." He said quietly. Remus smiled wide at that and seemed more like his usual self – a little quieter but happy. Logan stepped away from him to do his own work but he couldn't stop thinking about Remus' family the entire day. Logan had a lot to deal with when he graduated college, but it was mostly unresolved mental issues that he had been pushing down since high school. But Remus had serious issues doing on in this developmentally important stage too, so Logan tried to be as understandable and sympathetic as possible. 

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