I have to admit it was huge, everything about the house was grand. I'm guessing the company my dad was about to start working paid for the house, cause there was no way in hell we could afford this.

I dragged my suitcases through the endless hallway until I got up to the last door in the hall. I had a good feeling about it. I opened the door to see a massive room, already set up. It was my dream room, just like the one I sent my dad a picture of a couple months ago. Oh shit. That's why he asked.

Well played Noel, well played.

I examined the room, pulling my suitcases by the closet. I knew for a fact I was gonna be living out of that for a while. It was just too much to unpack right now, so I took a quick shower then settled myself under the comforter. Maybe I could get used to this.


"Nooo, maaa I'm still sleepy. I'm still jet lagged. Tell the principal I'm sick or something." I groaned covering my head with my blanket once again, she's been nagging me to get it for the past ten minutes. It was Monday and I was extremely nervous about the new school.

"Guess you won't get the banana fritters I made then." I launched myself from bed, running to my en-suite bathroom, "See ma i'm getting ready, save me four." I ate a lot, but still managed to have a whole two pack of abs. Being fit was hard.

I walked out my bathroom in my towel, I rummaged through my dresser for clothes. My mom made me pack them all away yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten lunch. I told her I would call child services on her, she pointed a knife in my face and told me I had five seconds to get to my room.

My inner flash was ignited.

My sister barged through my door, I rolled my eyes as she jumped on my bed, "You know I would really love to have a hair tie right now."

"No Thea, I gave you three already. I have hair on my head too."Thea always came into my room begging for hair ties, it was a cycle. I give her them, she says they burst or she lost them and then she comes back. I blame my mom for being Hispanic giving us curly thick hair. My mom's hair was always kept short but it was curly and my dad had thick hair, at least what they told us.

He was bald.


I strolled through the empty hallways of the school, I was kinda happy I got here late. I didn't need anyone wondering who the tall, mixed looking girl was. My schedule was already emailed to me which was very helpful.


8:30 - 9:50 Spanish

10:00- 11: 15  U.S History

11: 30-  12:15  Electives

12:25- 12:50 Lunch

1: 00- 2:10 American Lit

2: 15 - 3:30 Woodwork


I asked the receptionist where the history classroom was, she gave me a very vague response so I was basically on my own. I finally reached a classroom that said history, I was hoping and praying that it was the right one.

I knocked on the door lightly, hoping the teacher heard.

The woman that opened the door took my breath away, I stood there wide eyed. She had long black hair in a neat bun with no hair out of line, she had full lips, knife cutting jawline, perfectly arched eyebrows with beautiful hazel eyes. I don't think I've ever seen actual hazel eyes.

She raised one of eyebrows, "Are you in this class?" Her voice was smooth, it sounded like she had an accent of some kind.

"Uh, yeah. This is U.S history, right?" I couldn't bare looking into her eyes, it scared me. I've never been intimidated by women before but her aura was strong.

"Yes, introduce yourself to the class." She was stern and looked like she didn't take any disrespect. And I was one to to talk pure shit.

"I'd rather not." I was walking to the empty seat in the middle, when her voice was heard once again.

"Miss Morales, I said, introduce yourself." None of the teachers knew me, only the principal was notified I was coming here. Ah, fuck.

I looked around the class, taking a deep breath. I knew my accent was going to give it away. I wasn't from here.

"Well, I'm Athena Morales and I'm from the Caribbean." I looked back at the stern woman to see if she was satisfied.

She looked unimpressed, "Sit." I sucked my teeth listening to her command, no wonder this bitch was the principal.

"As many of you know this is U.S history, we'll be picking up from where we ended off last term."

That's when it finally clicked , I have no clue about any U.S history.



should I? I'm really iffy on it. It would be hella juicy tho, since she the principal and all.

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