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And thus begin the whole robbery planning. Farhan said, "So, gentlemen. Welcome to the Service Mercantile Bank. All of us will enter the bank one by one, so that each of us can get acquainted with the bank and its surroundings." Everyone's first task started, all of them went inside the bank and started to analyze everything inside the bank. Farhan recorded the full bank with a small recording camera, and clicked pictures outside the bank and its surroundings. Then they came back, and Farhan said, "If the police arrive, then they will come from these three directions. That means either North, or West, or East. I want all of you to check every nook and corner of all the streets. Do not leave any corner, not even a single inch. Otherwise, we won't even realize where death will come from. Get it?" Then they checked the surroundings of the bank, and marked everything. Then came the second stage. Farhan said, "We have to keep the people inside the bank under control. Just a small fear inside them, nothing else. Neither I want any sort of bloodshed over there, nor any innocent deaths. Get it?" Nafiz asked, "Why do these deaths and bodies always have to be innocent?" Munif asked, "Why don't you have any common sense in the brains?" Nafiz asked, "Why don't I?" Munif asked, "Is there every answer to every question?" Nafiz asked, "Then why are there a lot of questions?" Munif said, "Bhaiya, make him understand." Nafiz asked, "Why will Bhaiya make me?" Farhan asked, "Let's continue next?" Then Farhan sent everyone to bring bombs and explosives. The bomb dealer said, "Swear on Allah. You can buy the most stuff in the whole Canada from me. No one can sell more than me." Salman said, "Zarif, buy everything, bro." Zarif asked, "Why Salman, are you planning to start a war, eh?" The dealer said, "Dear brother, with all these, you can even rage a war. I've done 9 big blasts in our country with all these." Everyone became shocked. Salman asked, "Didn't anyone ever catch you?" He said, "Not a chance. I'm a very smart man. I have very top-and high-level connections with many people." Zarif asked, "So you are connected very highly, aren't you?" He said, "Yes, of course." Zarif asked, "And you consider yourself very smart, don't you?" He said, "Not consider, brother. I'm very smart." Then Zarif angrily asked, "Then you stupid fool, didn't anybody ever tell you, that one shouldn't ever speak or talk about destroying one's country in front of their own people?" Salman said, "Dear brother, a Bangladeshi might be a lot of corrupt, but even any corrupt doesn't like two things. One is, losing in the cricket match." Zarif said, "And second, attacking and destroying one's own country." Then both of them pushed the dealer off the roof, and he fell down. Nafiz said, "A burden of lovely earth got lovingly mixed with the earth himself. Hahahaha!!" [Salman and Zarif didn't have much chance to do any good for our country while staying there, as they couldn't defeat corruption and terrorism. But outside the country, they did a brave work that lowered their heart's burden a little than before. Our team was starting to get strong in each sector one by one, and in relationship sector as well, as we would have to start to trust each other for our mission.] Then was the third stage of the plan; getting cars and guns. Farhan said, "We'll go there by three cars. In the first car, there will be Zarif and Munif, in the second car will be Nafiz and Faiyaz, and in the third car will be Salman and I. Till the time Salman and I reach there, Munif and Zarif, you guys have to understand your positions within then and be ready for the attack." Nafiz asked, "First, second, third car, is anyone sponsoring the cars?" Farhan said, "Yes, that's your responsibility. Take this. Arrange five cars, the six of us will take three, and the other two will remain in our specified den." Salman asked, "But where is the den? We haven't seen it till now." Farhan said, "I'll show you all by myself when the right time comes." Munif said, "Hey Mama, don't use this money unnecessarily, on the dames, got it?" They started laughing, then Farhan said, "Nafiz, listen. Use this money wisely, like your brains." Nafiz said, "100 percent, don't worry..." Farhan said, "Frugally." All laughed. The next day, all of them were having lunch. Nafiz said, "Hey Farhan, got tired of eating all these, burger and pizza. Order rice and lentil with chicken and fish curry sometimes." Munif said, "Hey, knock it off. Okay Bhaiya, will we be scaring the guards by showing fingers only?" Farhan said, "Of course not, by guns. You, Zarif and Salman will go for the delivery of the guns, tonight at 7 pm. Got it?" Zarif said, "Okay, Bhaiya." They brought the guns at the evening. Each of them came towards Farhan and pointed guns at him. Farhan gave a warm smile and said, "Great. Now let's start practice." Then all of them started to practice shooting, firing with all weapons. Nafiz fired with a heavy pistol and missed a target. Munif said, "Hey, close one eye and then shoot." Nafiz said, "Nafiz's aim finds the target itself, darling." Farhan said, "If you continue to aim your target like this, then you'll be the target yourself one day." Nafiz asked, "Oh yeah? Talking is really easy, Farhan. Do you know how to shoot? Do you?" Then Farhan took his pistol and shot at the target, which hit all out of them. Nafiz became shocked and Munif smiled warmly. [After that, no one dared to speak in front of Bhaiya, as we saw, who the real 'Bhaiya' was.]

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