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[At the warehouse, Nafiz was thinking, what to do.] He went near Davison and said, "So, partner. We're back after the break. Now, let's resume. Now, I'm the cop. And you, you are Nafiz. Let us begin now from where it all started. Remember, where's the truck? You asked all of us where the truck was. Now I'll ask you. Tell me, who the cop is. Tell me, who is the cop!!" Then he punched Davison and asked again.

[Farhan and Salman went to Farhan's house.] Salman parked the car. Farhan said, "The money is behind the clothes, covered. What do we need to do?" Salman said, "But you said that..." Farhan said, "Look Salman, I've never betrayed anyone in my life. You know, and you've seen yourself, with what sort of people we're working with: one's a bloody cop, two are lunatics. Why should we go back? Let's divide the money between the two of us." Salman said, "No." Farhan said, "Salman, you've been talking like a fool. I know everything about you. You have a wife, who doesn't want to come back to you, a son, whom you can't meet, because you don't have any money. Think about it. Such an opportunity won't come back again, you can put your life together back again." Salman said, "No, Bhaiya." Farhan said, "I've a wife, who's very ill." He said, "You can do whatever you want. I won't tell anyone. How much money we stole, no one knows anything. No one didn't even count it fully. If you take a few out of them, then that won't make a difference." Farhan laughed and said, "You're just like me, simple and straightforward, you can't be the informer at all." Salman asked, "Bhaiya, were you testing my..." Farhan laughed and said, "I'll just come, it'll take a few minutes. Wait here." Salman said, "Bhaiya. Take this." (Salman gave Farhan three bundles of money) Farhan asked, "What is this?" He said, "Where we're going, maybe we can't, or won't come back alive. This will be useful at least for someone." Farhan said, "Thanks. Wait, I'm coming." Then Farhan went inside his house. His wife was lying down. He said, "The work has been finished very smoothly. They really liked my model. Being happy, they gave some money in advance. You get ready after two hours, I'll go to another small work, and will book the tickets on the way. I'll come back within a few..." He saw his wife, lying with her eyes open. He understood everything. She was no more. He went near his wife and started crying silently. He was thinking all the moments and memories with her during the last few days. Then he kissed on her forehead and closed her eyes. Then he left and sat inside the car. Salman was about to ask him something, but seeing the expression of his face, he also understood everything. Then they went way, towards the warehouse.

[At the warehouse, Nafiz made Davison hang with a rope, standing on the chair.] He said, "You're hanging now. Got hanged. You and your brother. Enough of all these. Tell me, who's the cop. Tell me, who is the cop!! I'm giving you three chances, tell me, who the cop is." Then he shot one leg of the chair, "One." Then he shot the other one and said, "Two. C'mon, c'mon, don't waste your life" Davison said, "Go to hell!" Then he said, "Three..." As he was about to shoot another leg of the chair, someone shot him at his chest. Then he saw ahead and became shocked. Then the shooter fired six more bullets at his body. Nafiz aimed his gun on the shooter, but fell on the ground. The shooter was Faiyaz. Then Munif and Zarif arrived there and saw Nafiz lying, dead. Munif asked, "Who killed him?" Faiyaz said, "I, I killed him." Munif went near him and asked, "Why?" Faiyaz said, "Hadn't I killed him, then he'd have killed him." Munif asked, "So you killed him?" Faiyaz said, "After that, he'd kill me, and run way with all the money." Munif asked, "The one with whom you stayed for the last six months, conned the whole world together, today you killed that very person?" Faiyaz asked, "What would I've done? He hanged him like a donkey. He was shouting, and Mama was laughing like madman. How could he kill a police officer like this?" Munif asked, "So, in order to save that one's life, you took his life, eh?" Then he went near Davison and pushed the chair from his legs. Davison started to choke. Munif asked, "Who said that we can't kill a police officer?" Then he puller out his revolver from his pocket, and shot at Davison thrice. Then he went near Faiyaz, and sat beside him and said, "That's how one should kill a police officer." Then he shot another bullet at his back. [Farhan and Salman came back to the warehouse after ten minutes]. Farhan asked, "Hey Munif? Let's go, shall we? What..." Both of them became shocked, and Farhan asked, "What's this? Who killed him?" Munif said, "I killed him." Farhan asked, "Why?" He said, "Because, he killed Mama." Farhan said, "Mama..." He looked at Nafiz lying, and asked, "Who killed Nafiz?" Pointing towards Faiyaz, Munif said, "He did. Ask him." Faiyaz asked, "How many times do I have to explain you, bro? He had gone mad, totally berserk. He was mad. He was going to run away with all the money after killing all of us." Munif asked, "You love us all so much, that you killed your own friend? Either it's written all over my face that I'm a fool, or you're a bigger fool, who's taking me for a fool, you rascal..." Farhan interrupted and said, "One minute. Just a minute. Look, Faiyaz won't lie. It's true that Nafiz Mama was a little tensed, and talked nonsense. He had spoken escaping with the money even with me." Munif said, "Mama might be mad, Bhaiya. But he wasn't the police informer. Even he wanted to kill the police officer, not save him. Who saved the police officer, huh? He did. Then who's the rat? Mama or Faiyaz?" Farhan said, "He saved himself, not the cop." Munif asked, "Bhaiya, why are you always taking side with him? Is there always something happening between both of your sides?" Farhan said, "No, I..." Then Zarif interrupted and said, "Oh, c'mon, Bhaiya! I know very well, that you're not that rat. But neither is Munif, nor me. And Salman, this poor guy's been very simple and straight from the beginning. The only one remaining, is he." Farhan said, "Listen to me, both of you. He took the bullet that was meant to me, and saved my life. Had he been the officer, then why would he have done so?" Zarif said, "The bullet must've accidently hit this scoundrel. Bhaiya, why do you forget, that he's been with Mama only for the past six months. Who even knew about him before that? Neither did I know anything about him, and nor do you." Farhan said, "I just know that he's not a police officer. Nafiz might be mad, but, he's not the cop." Munif said, "Mama might've been mad, Bhaiya. But he could never think of stealing and running someone else's share." Zarif said, "And if he wanted to shoot anyway, he could've shot Mama in his leg, not seven bullets. Or could've waited for us. But no, he was only worried about that bloody dog. He had finished Mama by shooting him, didn't he?" Then Salman said, "I've been telling you all from the beginning, to take one's own shares and keep moving your own way. One's been finished. Now are you waiting for the rest of all to die? Let's go." Munif asked, "Hey, should we leave that one who helped the police reach here to us?" Faiyaz asked, "Had I been a cop, then wouldn't I've said that Mama's the cop, and that's why I killed him?" Munif said, "Then I would've knocked you off there, you rascal. Mama used to hate the police as much as much as he hated the enemies of his village, who troubled his family back there." Zarif said, "You leave it, Munif. Salman is right. Let's take our money and leave from here." Munif said, "I won't leave keeping this one alive. This scoundrel has to die." Farhan said, "Look, Munif, neither I'm going anywhere today, nor is anyone waiting for me. (All of them understood the meaning.) I couldn't save my wife, I couldn't fulfill the promise that I made to her. I won't let him die, okay? So, why don't you just, drop the gun?" Munif aimed his gun at Faiyaz. Farhan said, "C'mon!! drop, your gun. Drop it!!." Then Zarif aimed a gun at Farhan and said, "Sorry, Bhaiya, but Munif is absolutely right. Drop your gun. I said, drop your gun, Bhaiya." Then Faiyaz asked, "Who asked you to interfere in the middle. This is between Bhaiya and Munif. You better stay out of it, man." Zarif aimed another gun at Faiyaz and said, "Shut up." Then Farhan put out his second gun and aimed at Zarif. Seeing this, Munif aimed his second gun at Farhan. (All in a Mexican stand-off position) [Salman was watching everything quietly. He quietly lifted up two of the bags in his hands, and started to move back slowly. Then he went outside of the warehouse and started running towards the car. He took the third bag from Nafiz's car and started his car.] Inside the warehouse, Munif said, "Drop your guns." Zarif said, "You're supporting the wrong person, Bhaiya." Munif said, "I'm not gonna stop, Bhaiya." Zarif said, "That too for this rogue, Bhaiya." Munif said, "Put your guns down, and save your life, Bhaiya." Zarif said, "Bhaiya, Munif is right, Bhaiya." Munif shouted, "Drop your guns, Bhaiya!!" Zarif said, "Bhaiya, he's the cop." Then Salman started his car quickly and ran away. Munif said, "Bhaiya, this scoundrel's gone." Then he shot Faiyaz, and Farhan at Munif, Zarif at Farhan, Faiyaz at Zarif, Munif at Farhan, and thus ending everyone with each other's lives. Munif, Zarif and Faiyaz lied down on the ground, and Munif shot a final bullet at Farhan. Farhan went near Faiyaz, and lied down. He said, "Hey, hey, hey Faiyaz, sorry bro. I couldn't save you." Faiyaz said, "I'm, I'm so sorry, Bhaiya. I was just doing my duty. I was only doing my duty." (Faiyaz thinking about himself as the police officer, and saying to Farhan that he indeed is the cop, and he reported everything to his seniors, and he pressed the alarm before cutting its wires.) Farhan became totally astonished. Munif laughed a bit and asked, "Bhaiya, Bhaiya didn't I tell you..." Then he breathed his last. Farhan sighed out.

[I couldn't even dare to look in the eyes of Bhaiya. Was only waiting for the upcoming death within a few minutes. I didn't even realize, when death came, touched me and went away.]

Then Farhan shot at Faiyaz's head and killed Faiyaz. Then he saw everyone around him, dead (with eyes open). Then within a few seconds, Farhan closed his eyes. [Munif said before, that one day or other, we'll either have to go to heaven or hell. I'm preparing myself to leave the world. I know that wherever I go, the others will be waiting for me, and would ask, why I did such a thing. What will I tell them?]

All were about to leave the world, then everyone's souls were thinking of one memory before leaving the world. (Farhan thought about his dead wife, who was dead in his house. Munif was thinking about the sweet and happy moments he spent with everyone. Nafiz was thinking about his family in the village, since he was the breadwinner for all of his family, and his cousin sister, whom he was taking care of at the mental hospital. Zarif was thinking about his girlfriend, whom he made a promise to leave from there forever, and her girlfriend waiting for him at the airport.)

Salman escaped from all those, safely. He drove outside of the city, thinking about his only family; his son, whether he'll get his custody or not. (And his wife got married to another man, and taking care of her son.)

(And Faiyaz thinking about himself joining in the police, and serving for the country and getting honoured by the police department.)

Salman was almost out of the city, then he saw the police helicopters in the sky, and two police cars following behind him. He drove very fast and saw two more police cars ahead of him. He quickly drove and ran away. (Not sure of his fate, what happened.)

[Mississauga city (Canada), 19th July 2009, where the six of us crooks met each other for the first time. We thought that we would win over the world, but got screwed instead. (In the 'Thorns of Emotions').]

Thorns of EmotionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora